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hey Oscar, my dad wanted us to leave before i could meet you :(

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hey Oscar, my dad wanted
us to leave before i could
meet you :(

are you going to the club
with all the other drivers

Oscar looked down at the messages as he sat down on his bed, he pondered for a minute before just swiping them away, resting his head on the pillow.
Lando came bursting in with a smile on his face
"you'll never guess who's joining logan for drinks tonight?"
oscar shook the hair from his face and sighed
oscar let out a laugh, before sitting up and looking lando in the eyes.
"are you being for real?" oscar asked, feeling his stomach twist. he didn't have feelings for elodie, but he knew fine well Logan had a extremely good track record with girls, and that made him weary about elodie and her innocent seeming nature.
lando nodded towards Oscar who just sighed and started to pull clothes from his wardrobe and watched as lando looked shocked.
"you just never come out drinking.." Lando laughed
Oscar smiled softly, "somebody has to make sure logan behaves.

Elodie-Mae Smith.

the brunette sat at the end of her bed finishing thr final touches of curling her hair, checking her messages with Oscar to even see if he had seen it. but to get suprise, no reply, no read the message, no nothing.

she thought back to when she was just about to leave and logan pulled her to the side, asking if she wanted to join them at the club later. she smiled at the American and agreed, getting his phone number and walking away, agreeing to message him once she got back to her hotel.

she was sat staring at herself in the mirror, at how her black lace dress fitted on her chest, hoe her Tiffany necklace rested on her collorbones. how her curls framed her face.
she was pulled away from her thoughts by a knocking at the door, she grabbed her purse, her ID and her lipgloss before heading to the door, to be met with the blonde haired American, who offered his hand to the girl and she accepted it linking het arm with his and making their way down to the lobby of the hotel.
"good evening logan." she smiled
"evening elodie, you look amazing." he complimented.
she let out a small giggle and blushed slightly, she then made her way to the uber and got in after logan opened the door for her.
they talked for what seemed like forever, elodie talking about her literature, and logan talking about his racing and his degree in geography. she seemed very intrigued by logan and thought he was well spoken, and he was intrigued by elodie.

they arrived at the club and were immediately met by a loud bass sound, logan walked elodie to the bar and bought her a drink. she requested a double vodka cranberry, and Logan settled with a simple beer. he then led her over to his friends alex, yuki and george. she introduced herself, and they shook her hand and asked if her and logan were dating, to which she shook her head and smiled in Logan's direction. she watched as logan stood up to greet lando and oscar, who were all cheery, and everyone seemed very shocked by oscars appearance in the club.
elodie stood up and hugged the pair, a tight hug from lando and a loose hug from oscar.
'danza kuduro' came blasting on in the club and elodie stood up and grabbed Logan's hand, dragging him to the dance floor
"this is my favourite song oh my god!" she yelled over the music, swaying to the beat.
logan watched as the brunette danced infront of him and laughed at her.

oscar piastri

oscar watched as the girl danced with logan, and asked lando for a drink.
"oscar, you don't drink." lando mentioned
oscar shook his head and looked towards the pair, and then back at lando, a knot in his stomach.
"yeah but i want one now." he muttered.
lando left to grab Oscar his drink, but he could not keep his eyes off the pair.

because less than 20 feet away from him was elodie
his elodie with logan sergeant
she's laughing, what was she laughing about?
how could she stand there and laugh, and look so beautiful?

because less than 20 feet away from him was elodiehis elodie with logan sergeant she's laughing, what was she laughing about?how could she stand there and laugh, and look so beautiful?

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hello my angels!!
i hope you enjoy the flipped quote there.
i hope you all also are ready for some flipped situations!!!

em x

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