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elodie sat in her hotel room in imola, feeling the relief wash over her as she submitted her final assignment, she pressed that 'submit!' button and felt a smile spread across her face, the pressure on her shoulders dropping.

she walked around the town center, a smile on her face as she took in the scenery, happy to be away from the hustle and bustle of the racing for a while, she was ripped out of her thoughts when her eyes caught Logan, assuming he was doing the same as her she approached and offered the American a smile, to which he returned.

"hello elodie." Logan said with a sheepish smile
elodie laughed "hello Logan, it truly is beautiful isnt it?"
Logan nodded and the pair reconciled over past memories and their love for travelling and scenery.

Oscar Piastri

Oscar sat in his hotel room scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, he had the urge to go explore but the jet lag in his mind was screaming at him not to. he decided on watching a movie, flipped to be exact.

lando norris is calling...

Oscar sighed and threw his phone onto the end of the bed and focused his sights on the movie , a hour in he felt a pang in his heart, he felt almost like the two main characters resembled a certain pair, but he wouldn't dare to admit it.
without a second thought he scrolled onto elodies Instagram and scrolled through her highlights, tagged posts and his eyes fell on one photo, a photo he never saw before.

without a second thought he scrolled onto elodies Instagram and scrolled through her highlights, tagged posts and his eyes fell on one photo, a photo he never saw before

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elodiemae : mood exam season is over.

he looked at the photo for maybe a few minutes and felt his face go red, but then put his phone down.
the door swung open to be met with lando who had a huge grin on his face
"lando?" Oscar questioned , to be met with a grin from lando "hello mate."
"what're you doing here?"
"just visiting my favourite teammate"
oscar replied with a half hearted chuckle, before returning to the conversation
"why are you here lando."
"I just wanted to talk about some things..."
Oscar cocked his eyebrow and nodded his eyebrow in response
"so big f1 meal coming up soon, drivers, mechanics, news reporters everything. everyone but the media managers."
"go on.."
"me and max were talking.."
Oscar shook his head
"I am not taking elodie."
lando looked defeated, and continued on
"you guys can go as friends! max and checo and lacey want here there! but she's only a media manager so therefore she doesn't get to go. max is taking mila as his plus one, checo is taking his wife & lacey is taking her mother, please oscar.." lando pleaded.
Oscar shook his head yet again "no lando, i just can't."
lando copied Oscar's past movement by cocking his brow.
"im not taking a girl i don't have feelings for."

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