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elodiesmith81 : posted to her story

elodiesmith81 : posted to her story

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captioned : budapest, hungary 🌷

liked by oscarpiastri.

Elodie and her father Samuel Smith arrived at the Hungarian Grand Prix, accompaning Christian Horner. As they made their way through the paddock, the onlookers couldn't help but notice Samuel, a well-known figure in the racing world as an influential sponsor to redbull, whispers and glances followed their every step.

However, amidst the attention on Samuel, Elodie went largely noticed aswell . Elodie had developed a small following on Instagram after Oscar had followed her account. The account where she occasionally shared glimpses of her life and her passion for English, travelling and books.

Unbeknownst to Elodie, her presence had caught the attention of Oscar Piastri.  As Oscar spotted Elodie in the crowd, he immediately recognized her from their bookshop interactions. A mixture of excitement and amusement washed over him. He couldn't resist sharing this discovery with Lando.

With a mischievous grin, Oscar made his way towards Lando, who was chatting with some team members. "Lando, i think im going crazy but I could have sworn i saw elodie walk in with Christian Horner.

Lando, always up for a good laugh, raised an eyebrow and playfully teased Oscar. "Oh, really? Are you sure you're not just imagining things, Oscar? You're becoming quite the detective, aren't you?"

Oscar rolled his eyes, knowing that Lando was just teasing him. "No, I'm serious, Lando! I could have sworn it was her! Long brunette hair. I'm just curious to why she's here. nothing on her account says anything about her liking racing"

Lando couldn't resist the opportunity to rib Oscar a little more. "Well, well. Looks like you've got a secret admirer."

Oscar blushed slightly, realizing how his words could be misconstrued. "No, Lando, it's not like that. I messaged her on my private account so she undoubtedly doesn't know what I even do yet."

Lando chuckled, enjoying Oscar's mild embarrassment. "Sure, Oscar, sure. Well, why don't you go say hi to your little girlfriend, she seems lovely!"

Oscar playfully nudged Lando, knowing that he was being teased relentlessly. "Alright, Lando, she's not my girlfriend to start with, I met her a week ago ."

Five Hours Later.

"From the start of the race, Piastri showcased his prowess, skillfully maneuvering his car and gaining an early advantage. However, Verstappen and Hamilton, both renowned for their racing abilities, were not far behind, constantly pressuring Piastri and vying for the lead.

Throughout the race, the battle for the top positions intensified, with each driver pushing their limits to gain an advantage. Piastri demonstrated remarkable composure, maintaining his position while fending off the relentless challenges from Verstappen and Hamilton.

As the race reached its climax, Piastri's skillful driving and strategic decision-making proved to be the key factors in securing his victory. He maintained a steady pace, avoiding any mistakes and capitalizing on opportunities whenever they arose.

After crossing the finish line, Piastri celebrated his well-deserved win, marking a significant milestone in his racing career. The podium ceremony was a moment of jubilation for Piastri, Verstappen, and Hamilton, who showed great sportsmanship and respect for each other's performances." Gerri explained to Elodie, who was sat next to her drinking a coffee, she smiled and looked up at the tv showcasing the race.

She then only noticed the boy standing in the orange suit to be the boy she met at the bookshop the other week, and she smiled, walking with Gerri to the podium celebration. She watched and cheered as all the drivers walked onto the podium, the sound of the australian national anthem filled the circuit and she could see the boy smiling at the crowd, observing every person.

his eyes locked on elodie. The memory of their encounter and the connection they had made lingered in his heart.

Amidst the cheers and celebration, a wave of apprehension washed over Oscar. He worried that Elodie, witnessing his triumph on the racetrack, might only see him as a racing prodigy, a figure detached from the person he truly was. He longed for her to see him as Oscar, the boy who she had meerly met in a bookshop.

As the podium celebration concluded, Oscar couldn't resist the urge to seek out Elodie in the crowd. Making his way through the throng of people, he finally reached her side. Nervously, he smiled and greeted her, hoping to bridge the gap between his racing persona and his true self.

To his relief, Elodie's eyes sparkled with recognition and warmth. She congratulated him on his impressive victory and expressed her genuine happiness for him.
"When you said driver I assumed a taxi or a bus! but this is so fucking impressive!" elodie beamed at him "this is quite honestly so amazing oscar, I am so so proud of you."

oscar smiled back at the girl "I saw on your Instagram story you was in hungary and I was going to play it off asif it was some coincidence, but now you know what I do for work" he nervously chuckled

elodie smiled back "to me oscar, you're just some boy who walked into my bookstore" she said before engulfing him in a hug.

he hugged her back before placing his hand on her shoulder "I have to go for media duties, meet me later?" he questioned

she bit her bottom lip and nodded, before turning to her dad who looked shocked. she explained the whole ordeal to him and he just nodded and smiled towards his daughters happiness

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