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elodie sat back and watched everyone enjoy theirselves at the after party, just taking in the sounds and the flashing lights. she noticed the miserable looks on the bottle girls faces and chuckled to herself, she started to click her nails against eachother before she was pulled out of her trance by a certain brunette.
"oh hey lando." she smiled
he returned her smile and started "so you and Logan? is that a thing again."
elodie let out a giggle before shaking her head "oh my lord no! we just went as friends ."
lando looked at her long and hard, "elodie, you need to be clear with Oscar."
she cocked her eyebrow "excuse me?"
"elodie, it's obvious you like him, obvious he liked you. why can't you two just say something."
she shrugged "lando I know you mean no harm, I just don't think I like oscar in the way you mean."
lando got up and walked away, leaving elodie confused in her seat.

Oscar laid in his bed staring holes into the roof, thinking about the award night, his mind batting between winning his award and the way his stomach felt when logan held elodie.
he found himself scrolling through her Instagram, making it a usual night thing and found that she still didn't follow logan, or Williams, but she did infact follow McLaren's and both him and lando.
he looked on their text messages and his eyes expanded at the sight of the little bubble typing, he must have watched it for a good twenty minutes before it disappeared.

he sat up and walked over to his bathroom, splashing his face with some cold water and looking at himself in the mirror, he looked at the side of his stomach which was bruised from a bang in training earlier that day, and he decided to be impulsive and opened his hotel door, only to be met with a heavy breathing elodie.

she looked up at him and he looked down at her , they both said "hi."
"do you want to come in?" Oscar asks
"yes please."

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