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elodie found herself sat in the redbull garage during the race, her mind blank and her cup of coffee going cold. she watched as max was leading the race and watched as christian was getting exited as max would rack in a lot of points this season.

but a orange car caught her eye, a bright orange car speeding behind max. she sat up and extended her neck to watch the race, the number "81" catching her eye and she felt her heart skip a tiny beat, but decided that it was just her enthusiasm towards the race.
she continued to watch on as she watched oscar, lacey and max battle for first place. in the corner of her eye she saw the crew for drive to survive filming her reactions and she quickly dropped her facial expression.
she watched as ocon had crashed into Logan, sending him into the barrier, she felt a pang in her heart, and continued to have her eyes glued to the screen to make sure Logan was okay.
she was still very heart broken about what had happened the week before and sat and dwelled on it, she got up, walked out of the paddock, sat in her car and rested her head on the steering wheel, she then drove back to the hotel and sat in her bed.
the tears started streaming down her face, she curled up into the pillow and carried on her crying.

a week before.

"who's alexia grace?" elodie asked, and logan shot up, looking at the girl full of guilt.
he mumbled for a bit before saying "why?"
elodie turned her phone towards Logan, showing him the messages that had been leaked and he immediately looked guilty and could look at her. she felt her bottom lip quivering before asking "why Logan?"
he shrugged , before trying to hold the girl before she pushed him away "don't please."
Logan got up, grabbed his stuff and left elodie sat in the hotel, tears streaming down her face.

recent day
a couple hours had passed and elodie was curled up in bed, her makeup all down her face, and she got up and went towards her bathroom and wiped away at her face, taking in the bags under her eyes, her makeup staining her shirt. she tore it off and threw it towards the wash basket and grabbed a baggy pink T-shirt from her suitcase and matching shorts.
she brushed her hair, shoved her glasses on and started carrying on with her work.
she riddled with her pink and gold necklace around her neck as she typed away and her eyes flickered from the screen to her book, from her book to the screen.

oscar piastri calling...

o: "hello, el?"
e: "what's up oscar?"
o: "what're you doing?"
o: "we haven't spoken in a while."
e: "im just finishing up my work, you did well today."
o: "yeah, lacey was telling me that you left early, is everything okay? landos told me about Logan and I just wanted to check up on you?"
e: she let out a loud sigh "yes, i just felt overwhelmed, how's the after party?"
o: "I didn't go?"
e: "why?"

oscar knocked at elodies door and she got out of bed to answer, she was met with a shocked looking oscar and he engulfed her into an embrace.
elodie invited him in and he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her laptop, and the books sprawled across the bed. she quickly picked them up and piled them onto her bedside table before looking at Oscar.
"how've you been el, and be honest?" oscar questioned to be met with a vulnerable looking elodie "it's been hard, but it's worth it, im a month away from graduating, but im getting there, yourself?"
oscar smiled at the brunette sat infront of him, and opened his mouth to speak "well racing's been really demanding, but we have two weeks off and it's nice to feel like i can relax."
they both nodded and just enjoyed eachothers presence for a while before elodie spoke
"me and Logan broke up."
"why ? you seemed really happy."
elodie nodded "we were, but he was just messaging other girls. i felt upset, betrayed but if he's happy he's happy."
oscar told elodie how disappointed he was in his friend and offered the girl some solice and she just ranted about the situation, Oscar reading her facial expressions and going from angry looking, to forgiving to upset for her.
they talked for hours, catching up really and elodie looked to her phone "oscar it's midnight"
oscar smiled and shuffled so he was sat next to her
"im staying here with you."

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