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message request from : oscarpiastri

hey is this elodie?the book shop girl ?

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hey is this elodie?
the book shop girl ?

hey oscar! yes it is

oh great,you kind of
didn't put your number
down and just your name.

oh my bad, well you have my ig now
piastri? like the word pastry

original, smith.
id love to continue our convo but im
about to get on a plane, message later?

fly safe!!! x

Elodie looked down at her phone as she sent the message and looked back up to be met with the eyes of her professor, who was going over her essay and praising her, but pointing out where she had gone wrong also. her mind kept drifting to the two brunette boys who came into her bookshop days before, wondering if maybe it was a prank, or just some silly joke between boys.

after she finished her lecture she walked home listening to an audio book version of 'war of the worlds' , she approached her house and typed the code into the gate and allowed herself in. she was met with a grinning father, surrounded by his friend christian and his wife gerry, she took her headphones off and greeted the pair, asking if they would like a drink, they both politely declined and her dad summoned her to sit down.

"elodie, you are aware we are going to Budapest soon right?" he smiled, handing the girl some pamphlets to which she looked over
"yes, why do you ask?" she responded, placing the papers on her lap and looking towards Christian, to Gerry and to her father.
her father smiled and looked over to Christian "chris here has invited us to the Grand Prix, obviously we would be with his team. but i believe it would be a great experience for you to learn about the world of motorsport."
elodies eyes grew, she was aware of formula one from tiktok but had never payed too much attention into it to know how anything works. "I would love to!" she started, "but im afraid i don't know how any of it works, so i feel like I would feel out of place."

gerry leant across the table and offered the girl a sympathetic hand to the knee, gerry continued to tell the girl that she has zero clue on how formula one works, and she can just stand with gerry and watch, to which the girl politely accepted and left the group downstairs to put her things in her room and finish packing. she looked over to her suitcase which consisted of clothes thrown into a pile.

oscar piastri

oscar sat with lando, tapping his foot against the floor to the beat of the music he was listening to. the pair were purposely ignoring their manager Veronica .
oscar found himself reading captions on Instagram posts, stories etc to kill the time.
lando turned to him and mentioned that redbulls guest for this race was some high up business man and his daughter, joking about how oscar should try flirt with the daughter. he swatted landos hand away and got comfy in the seat before nodding off to sleep.

a few hours had passed and the pair were sat in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for Zac and Stuart to come and give them the schedule for the weekend, Zac had been tirelessly working behind the scenes to ensure their success, arrived to provide them with their schedules and discuss the plans for the week ahead.

"The Hungarian Grand Prix, held at the Hungaroring circuit near Budapest, is known for its challenging layout and unpredictable weather conditions. It is a race that demands both skill and strategy from the drivers, making it an exciting event on the Formula 1 calendar." Zac said aloud, looking at the two young brunettes infront of him.

He carried a stack of papers, neatly organized with each driver's schedule for the upcoming days. The schedules detailed their media commitments, practice sessions, qualifying, and the main event – the race itself.

Zac & Stuart began by outlining the importance of the practice sessions. He emphasized the need for Oscar and Lando to familiarize themselves with the track, fine-tune their racing lines, and gather crucial data for the team's engineers to optimize the car's setup. He reminded them of the importance of communication and feedback to ensure that the car was performing at its best.

Next, Zac discussed the qualifying session, where the drivers would battle against the clock to secure the best possible starting position on the grid. He stressed the significance of a strong qualifying performance, as a good grid position could greatly enhance their chances of a successful race.

Then, Zac turned his attention to the race itself. He highlighted the importance of tire management, pit stop strategy, and the need for mental focus and physical endurance. He reminded Oscar and Lando to stay calm and composed, even in the face of intense competition and potential challenges that might arise during the race.

As the manager concluded the meeting, he expressed his confidence in both drivers' abilities. He reassured them that the entire team was behind them, working tirelessly to provide them with the best possible support and equipment. He emphasized the importance of teamwork, both on and off the track, and encouraged them to lean on each other for guidance and encouragement throughout the demanding race weekend.

Oscar and Lando discussed the challenges posed by the unpredictable weather conditions in Hungary, which could greatly influence race strategies and tire management. They agreed on the need to stay adaptable and make quick decisions based on the changing circumstances, as the weather could be a game-changer during the race.

As the conversation progressed, they also shared their thoughts on the importance of mental focus and physical fitness. They recognized that the demanding nature of the Hungaroring circuit required them to be at their best both mentally and physically. They discussed their training routines and shared tips on how to stay mentally sharp throughout the race weekend.

Oscar and Lando also touched on the significance of qualifying and the race start. They acknowledged the need for a strong performance in qualifying to secure a good grid position, which would give them an advantage in the race. They discussed their strategies for the start, considering the potential risks and opportunities that could arise in those crucial moments.

Throughout their discussion, both drivers expressed their enthusiasm for the upcoming race and their shared goal of achieving a strong result for their respective teams. They emphasized the importance of pushing each other to excel, while also maintaining a healthy rivalry that would spur them on to greater heights.

As the conversation drew to a close, Oscar and Lando exchanged words of encouragement and support. They knew that the Hungarian Grand Prix would be a challenging test of their skills and determination

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