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elodie-mae smith

she faceplanted her hotel pillow at around 4:30 that morning and heard her phone vibrating and went to look, but dropped her phone on the floor and let out a loud grunt, before hugging the pillow to her face and falling to sleep.

she woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating again and threw her pillow at the phone, before sitting up and rubbing her eyes, looking in the mirror and noticing how all her makeup was smudged. she got up and grabbed her phone.

you need to be careful el

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you need to be careful el. when you're out with the

rumours spread fast

please be careful.

where did you and logan go?


6 missed call from oscarpiastri

elodie sighed and just left oscar on opened, she went and got in the shower, sighing as the hot water hit her body. she washed her hair and her left over makeup from last night. she got out the shower and shoved on a old shirt and some boy shorts, dryed her hair and sat back on the bed.

Oscar Piastri

i got back safe, promise

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i got back safe, promise.
sorry for the late reply, me and logan went for food and then headed back to the hotel.
                                                                   that's a relief

i guess so yeah, sorry I didn't return your calls.

                                                don't worry about it elodie



oscar looked down at his phone and sighed, gathering the hair at the front of his head and pushing it to the back. he sat up and rested his head in his hands. he looked towards the phone at elodies last message and just shut the phone down. he was annoyed why he was so bothered about her hanging with Logan, they were not even together, they weren't even anything.

he shoved on a white tee and some blue shorts and made his way to breakfast. he decided on a pain au chocolat, some bacon, some eggs and some orange juice. he sat in the corner and looked out the window , taking in the view. he was snapped out of his thoughts by Logan, who was very cheery to see his Ex-teammate.

"good morning mate!" logan greeted, placing his plate down on the table
oscar hummed a "good morning" in response
logan rambled on about how he was shocked to see him in the club last night, and more shocked he saw him doing shots with lando.
oscar chuckled "sometimes you have to try new things."
logan agreed with a smile on his face, before continuing on with his conversation "did you know that redbull have a new media officer who's our age?"
oscar smiled, trying to be polite "oh really, who?"
logan pointed at elodie who was walking in with max and checo, and oscars jaw dropped.
logan looked back to Oscar "Elodie-Mae Smith"
oscar nodded, before looking down at his food, and shoving the bacon around on his plate.
the brunette walked over to the table and greeted the pair, who greeted her back, logan more enthusiastic than oscar.
she handed logan back his bracelet she kept for safe keeping last night and nodded them farewell, before rejoining max and checo.
oscar watched her as she walked away.
"she's fit isn't she?" Logan asked, outting his bracelet back on his wrist.
oscar nodded in response, before getting up and leaving logan alone with his thoughts.

oscar nodded in response, before getting up and leaving logan alone with his thoughts

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jelly oscar!!!
full of twists ;)

stay tuned!!! - Em x

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