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they all sat around circular tables, in sections, Williams unfortunately smack bang next to McLaren's.
Oscar watched as elodie walked in with logan, their arms interlinked, her giggling at his words, the way her hair fell around her shoulders.
lando nudged max & lacey who were sat on the parallel table , and they all burst into laughter.

they started to announce the awards, and elodie watched in awe as Max & Lacey walked up together to collect the 'driver of the year' award, how it looked tense but at the same time they looked engulfed in eachothers presence. they both held the trophy and smiled for photos as the audience clapped.

"we have the pleasure of presenting this award.." Lacey started before handing the microphone to max who nodded "this is the rookie of the year award, an award that goes to one of the tree rookies starting this year.
but one has outshone most, maybe it's his insane talent or the thought of a certain someone."
they both stopped speaking and in unision said "the award goes to..Oscar piastri!!"

oscar stood up and felt his face go red, his eyes looking for elodie who was turnt to face him with a smile on her face, he carried on walking up to the stage and stood with Max & Lacey, who handed him a trophy and walked off the stage to allow oscar to give his speech, "thank you so much. i honestly don't think i could have achieved this without the team at McLaren, my mechanics, my pa who has got me out of many situations i shouldn't have been in and most importantly the grid, who have been nothing but welcoming towards me."

the entire crowd burst out in applause; elodie, max & Lacey giving him a standing ovation to which he smiled at as he took his seat, a frown forming on his face as he sat down noticing Logan's hand on elodies lower back to help her sit.

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