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elodie stood in the garage, going over what they were all to post, discussing YouTube videos, Instagram posts etc with christian who gladly allowed the girl to do so.
she put her AirPods in and sat in the little area outside the redbull garage with a book in her hand, finding peace in the quiet.
lacey sat down with her and smiled, handing the girl a coffee to which the gladly took
"the f1 event soon.." lacey started
elodie offered her a nod, before cutting her off "I don't know anything about it."
lacey smiled again, but this time something about her smile was michevious.
"Mac and lando are trying to get Oscar to take you."
elodie shook her head "lacey!"
"elodie!" lacey matched, before smiling to herself.
elodie looked down at her phone "besides, Logan's asked me to go with him. as friends obviously."
lacey looked like she was about to throw a fit, but smiled to calm herself down.
elodie read her expression, defeat.
lacey kissed the girls forehead and left , heading back to her garage to discuss race strategies.

elodie stood at the side as everyone fawned over max and checo, fitting them for their suits.
at her feet was a 10 month old mila, who was making grabby hands at elodie who gladly picked her up and started making incoherent mumbles to match the babies.
max glanced over and smiled before asking her to come over, to which she did.
"can you do me a favour?" he asked
"ofcourse?" she replied
"take mila on a lap of the track please? i just don't want her to be in here and grabbing things she shouldn't."
she nodded and left, to go on her walk.

mclaren garage.

"Oscar?" lando started, met with a very moody Aussie.
"can you go do a lap of the track please? i think i dropped my AirPods." lando smiled
Oscar stated in protest "no, can't you do it yourself?"
lando shook his head "no, i have to get my suit fitted for this thing."
and with that lando disappeared leaving Oscar behind, who wasn't very happy but nevertheless got up and headed towards the track, on a hunt for these AirPods.

on his way he spotted elodie walking and talking to mila who was in her arms , pointing towards things.
he found himself staring at how calm and collected elodie looked.
how her brown hair fell behind her shoulders.
how the tiny tattoo with "Godspeed." sat above her right elbow.

he snapped out of his thoughts and sped up, to approach her and start conversation.
she must have sensed him because she turned around and offered him quite the friendly smile.
"by any chance have you seen some airpods laying around here? landos sent me to find his." he asked, looking at the girl.
elodie shook her head no, before raising her eyebrow and looking towards mila "we haven't seen any, sorry."
they both carried on walking in silence, but they never sped up or slowed down.
"the hall thingy? are you going?" he asked
she nodded
"with who?" he added
elodie smiled "Logan's asked me to go, just as friends."
oscar raised his eyebrow at the girl, before feeling that uncomfortable swirling sensation in his stomach, the twisting, burning feeling.
he offered her a half smile before turning around and dropping his own AirPods and quickly picking them up "oh lucky me, I've found his AirPods. see you later." he said before walking off in a huff, he walked straight to the garage and looked lando up and down, the same lando who had his AirPods in his ears.
he pulls one out and looked toward the young Aussie
"you find anything?"
Oscar shook his head , "elodies going to the f1 thing with Logan though." he mumbled, earning a chortle from lando.
"you're jealous oscar."
Oscar shook his head "am i hell!" he replied "I would never be jealous of her and Logan."
lando raised his eyebrow and started walking away "you're not a convincing liar."

pompeii - oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now