Chapter I - Boundaries

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He slammed the door. He literally slammed the door. What did I do wrong to him that made him so angry? Am I the problem here? Fuck!

"K, are you here?"

Who is it now? I am already sick of idiots.

"K?! What the fuck happened? Marcus was literally crazy outside, looking like he'd seen a ghost. Are you ok? What happened?" Oh, it's just my brother. I can recognize this annoying sassy voice everywhere.

"Liam! What are you doing here? He told you, didn't he? That fucking..."

"Tell me what? What did you do to him? Tell me, Karla, or I swear to God.." Liam's voice boomed through the room, his eyes ablaze with concern.

"You'll do what, Liam? What kind of brother are you? I'm your sister, you idiot!" I folded my arms defensively across my chest, feeling a mix of frustration and hurt.

Liam. The worst brother you could possibly have. He considers his best friend more family than I am. What's his problem? He thinks I'm blind? That I can't see the fact I look like a problem in his eyes?

"K, seriously, tell me what happened! Why did he run away like that?" Liam's hands were clenched into fists, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Maybe I tried to kiss him, just maybe.." I sighed, avoiding Liam's intense gaze.

"You did what? Why would you do that?!" Ugh, his tone is so mad. Liam's voice rose, filled with shock and disbelief.

"Like you didn't know that for ages, Liam. Now please, I just want to be left alone. Just please, leave." I turned away, unable to bear the weight of Liam's judgmental stare any longer.

Now you're probably thinking how I got into this situation. Well, let me start from the beginning. It was a lovely sunny day, with blue sky and...
Seriously? Do you think that's how I'll start? You're funny.

There's me, Karla Daniels, a small, skinny, blonde girl. Well, maybe not so skinny, but still. And there you have my brother, Liam Daniels, the perfect boy of the family. Tall, black hair, literally a God for other girls. But just a clown in my opinion.

And maybe you're wondering who Marcus is. Well, he's my brother's best friend. That amazing, tall, totally douchebag, annoying but still fucking handsome boy. With that black hair and those black eyes. Ugh. Maybe I exaggerated a little, but that was my love since I was a little girl. Of course he has seen me as a sister since we were little kids, even when I told him that I'll marry him when we grow up.

Anyway, enough with the introduction. How did I got into this situation? Well, through lies.
I lied to him that I would like him to take some photos of me, since he's a photographer. Never thought that he could be sensitive like that and get scared because I tried to kiss him.

I mean, who does that? What boy in this world would run away when a girl tries to kiss him? If you guys know the answer, just tell me, because I have no clue. Besides, what is wrong with kissing a boy? That he's my brother's best friend? Well, fuck that! If it wasn't me, maybe it could've never happened.

Aaaand, now I feel like an idiot. Maybe he'll think I am some creep that doesn't think about feelings. But I do have feelings. It's just that I don't know what they feel like, because I never sensed true love. Or did I? I don't know. I think that we should get back to the actual time of the conversation.

"Know what, K? That you're literally obsessed with Marcus? I think the whooole Jacksonville already knows. Oh, no, let me rephrase that. I think that all of the Florida already knows."

"I am not obsessed with him, Liam. Stop being the perfect boy, that doesn't care at all of his sister. I am already sick of this"I shot back, my voice tinged with frustration.

Who does he think he is? I hate him. I hate him so much that I could throw something at him. But I won't do that, lol, I am not that dumb.

"That's the problem, Karla, I care too much for you. And you're standing just here, doing dumb shit. He's not who you think he is, K. He is not good for you."

"And how exactly do you know who is and who isn't good for me? Are you some kind of God? Stop treating me like a child and let me live my life the way I want it."


Is he for real? Did he actually respond no to everything I said? Now he made me mad. Like, really mad. What bad did I do to get him like a brother? Can't I just throw him out the window? Or out of family?

"No? What do you mean no? You don't get to have a word in my decisions and everything."

"Karla, I'll just say this once, so please listen. Stay away from him and don't ever do that again. Just listen to this. Otherwise.." Liam's voice trailed off, his eyes narrowing with warning.

"Otherwise what? Are you going to go and cry at mommy and daddy saying that your sister is the worst and you don't want to watch her anymore? Oh, screw that. Please leave." I snapped, feeling a surge of anger coursing through me.

He left. I can't believe it. I just hate him and don't want to see him again.
Marcus, now I feel more intrigued by you. What are you hiding, Mr. Hayne?

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