Chapter XVII - Girls' day

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This girl. She'd already packed everything, and here we were, still standing around, not even in our swimsuits. I guess we'd gotten a little too caught up chatting with the boys.

I headed to my wardrobe and grabbed one of the few swimsuits I owned. You'd think living near the beach I'd have a ton, but not really. Mom had bought a bunch over the years, but most of them had just sat there, collecting dust. I never had much interest in going to the beach—not like Lucy or Hallie.

I threw a towel into my bag along with a hoodie, just in case it got cold later. Better to be prepared. They were both waiting for me now, their impatience clear. Maybe I was taking too long, but I couldn't help it. I always seemed to move at my own pace, no matter how much they teased.

"Come on, princess, you're making me miss all the handsome boys!" Lucy called out, sliding on her sunglasses with exaggerated flair, her backpack slung over one shoulder.

I laughed, closing the door behind me. "The handsome ones don't show up until sunset anyway," I shot back, trying to keep up with her fast pace.

We made it to her car parked outside the dorms, and I managed to snag the front seat before Hallie could protest. It was a quick drive, just half an hour, but enough time to unwind before hitting the sand.

As Lucy weaved through the streets, we belted out the lyrics to whatever song was on, the music loud enough to drown out any lingering thoughts about the guys or university stress. Lucy drove like she owned the road, with a confidence that could be unnerving at times, but she handled it all with ease.

At one point, Hallie popped open the roof hatch, letting the wind whip through her hair as she waved at passersby, earning a few waves back. It was contagious, that carefree spirit of hers.

But, of course, it was a busy Sunday at the beach, and parking was a nightmare. We circled for a bit, but Lucy, with her sharp eyes, snagged a spot before anyone else could swoop in.

"Gotcha! Perfect parking, thank you very much," she said with a self-satisfied grin, double-checking the mirrors to make sure she hadn't dinged anyone's car.

I laughed, stepping out of the car and stretching. "Thanks for getting us here in one piece."

Lucy flashed me a playful smirk. "I haven't killed anyone with my driving yet. Keyword being yet."

Turning my gaze toward the beach, I felt the tension of the past week melt away. The golden sand stretched out before us, kissed by gentle waves. The water shimmered under the sun, and though the beach was busy, it didn't feel overwhelming.

We found a patch of sand and laid out our towels. There weren't enough sun beds to go around, but we didn't care. The sand was soft beneath my feet, and the cool sea breeze was exactly what I needed. I pulled off my clothes, ready to dive in.

"Let's go!" I called to Lucy, grabbing her hand as I made my way toward the water, while Hallie stayed back to catch some sun. The sea was calm, no waves crashing like I'd secretly hoped. Not that I'd be any good at surfing—I could swim well enough not to drown, but that was about it. Still, the cool water felt like a blessing against my warm skin.

Lucy and I ran in, splashing as we waded deeper. Once we were submerged, the refreshing chill wrapped around us, and we grinned at each other like kids. I pulled her into a quick embrace, thankful for moments like these. I couldn't imagine my life without her—she had a way of making everything seem lighter.

"I needed this. After everything that's happened..." I trailed off, letting the water carry away my worries as I pushed my wet hair back.

Lucy's face softened, and she placed a hand on my shoulder, her expression serious. "You tell me. Look, about Christian—I'm sorry if things got weird. I know he's into you, but I don't know what happened between you two last night."

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