Chapter IV - Seductive whispers

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How could he be such an asshole? Invading my privacy like it meant nothing. Did he come here just to snoop through my phone? I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Maybe I'm overreacting... but no, this is too much, even for him.

The water in the bathroom shut off. Hallie would be out soon. I glanced at my phone. Still no response from Lucy. Maybe she's just busy. She's usually quick to reply, but today something felt off. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Are you ready for the movie, Karla?" Hallie's voice floated from the bathroom, breaking my spiral of thoughts.

"Of course, girl. I'm not so sure about Lucy though. She hasn't answered yet—probably in the shower too." I tossed my phone aside, trying to shake off the unease creeping over me.

"Probably," Hallie replied, toweling her hair dry as she came out.

Lucy not answering gnawed at me. She was never this slow to respond. Maybe I was overthinking things, but something didn't feel right. No, stop it, Karla. You've been watching too many dramas.

"We'll wait a few more minutes for her," I said, more to myself than to Hallie. She winked at me, signaling she'd heard, as she flopped onto the bed.

When Hallie and I first met, I never thought we'd get along. She had this aura of arrogance that rubbed me the wrong way. But as time passed, I realized she wasn't like that at all. She's one of the kindest, most empathetic people I know. And Lucy? Well, she's the fairy of our group—literally taller than the rest of us with that striking red hair.

"Looks like Lucy's not coming after all." Hallie yawned, sinking further into the bed. "You pick a movie yet?"

"I was thinking 'Enola Holmes.' We could watch one tonight and the sequel tomorrow." I suggested, already reaching for the mouse.

"Sounds good to me. Haven't seen it yet." She settled in as I pressed play.

The opening scenes rolled, but my mind kept drifting back to Lucy. What if she was sleeping? Or worse? Ugh, stop it, Karla, relax.

About halfway through, Hallie was out cold—again. It's practically a tradition now; she never makes it to the end of a movie. I sighed, glancing over at her curled up in my bed. Looks like I'll be sleeping in hers. Again.

Then my phone buzzed. At this hour? My stomach twisted. What if it was Marcus?

I picked it up, steeling myself for what might appear on the screen.

Message from: Satan
Text: What did you do again, Karla? I told you to stay away from him! What are you trying to pull? Is he with you now? Where are you?

Liam. Of course. What now?

Message to: Satan
Text: What the hell did I do now, Liam? I'm in my room, just finished a movie with Hallie. And no, Marcus isn't here, if that's what you're wondering. What the fuck?

I threw my phone onto the bed, fuming. This was typical Liam—jumping to conclusions, always suspecting me of something.

Message from: Satan
Text: Come outside of the room. I need to talk to you. Now!

Is he serious? It's late, and he wants me to leave the dorm? My instincts screamed that something wasn't right, but I sighed and got up. I might as well see what he wanted this time.

The hallway was alive with the muffled hum of music behind closed doors—everything from rock to pop—but eerily empty. No one was out, which made the noise feel like a strange, ghostly presence.

There he was, sitting on a bench near the stairs, his face set in that same old brooding expression.

"What if I'd been asleep already, Satan?" I teased as I walked up to him, trying to diffuse the tension. "You don't know it's unethical to text at this hour?"

His expression didn't change. He didn't laugh. Instead, he held up his phone, and my heart stopped cold.

A photo of me, in bed, with Marcus. It was unmistakable—his arm wrapped around me, both of us looking like... I couldn't even finish the thought. And it was posted from my account. My hands trembled as I stared at the screen.

No. No way. I didn't post this. But there it was, clear as day.

"What is this?" Liam demanded, his voice tight with anger. "You think I wouldn't find out?"

"I didn't post that!" I nearly shouted, feeling the burn of panic rise in my throat. "I was sleeping in the picture, Liam. How could I have posted it? Why would I even—"

"Don't lie to me, Karla," he cut me off, his tone colder than I'd ever heard. "Marcus is keeping secrets from me, and so are you. I told you to stay away from him. He's not good for you. Why don't you get that?"

I grabbed my phone, quickly deleting the post with shaking fingers. "Look, it's gone now. I didn't do this. You know that, right?"

His gaze didn't soften. "I don't believe you. And I definitely don't trust him. What are you two hiding from me?"

"I'm not hiding anything!" My frustration boiled over. "He's your friend, ask him about it. But of course, he'll blame it all on me, so believe what you want. I'm done trying to make you trust me."

"Listen, Karla," Liam's voice dropped, his anger replaced by something more vulnerable. "I see Marcus at every party, with every girl. I don't want him near you, not like that. I care about you, even if you don't believe it."

For a moment, I saw the sincerity in his eyes. Despite everything, he was trying to protect me. But it didn't make the situation any less infuriating.

"Fine, Liam. I get it. Now can I go back upstairs? The post is gone, and I'm done with this conversation."

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Just remember what I said. Take care of yourself."

I turned and headed back to my room, the weight of his words pressing on me. Just as I reached my door, a hand shot out of the shadows, pulling me into a dark corner. My heart leapt into my throat as I struggled, but I already knew who it was.


His hand clamped over my mouth before I could scream, and he pressed me hard against the wall, his breath hot against my ear.

"You deleted our photo," he whispered, his voice dark with amusement. "Why? It was a nice shot."

I bit down on his hand, hard enough to make him wince, but it wasn't enough to break his hold.

"You sick bastard!" I spat, pushing against him, but he was too strong. "Why would you post that? I just had Liam on my back for it, and now you're here to finish the job? Let me go!"

His laugh was low, dangerous. "And miss out on this moment? No chance." He leaned in, his lips brushing my neck, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. "You like this, don't you, Karla?"

I hated the way my body responded, betraying the rage I felt. His touch was intoxicating, and I loathed myself for it.

"Stop," I hissed, though the word sounded weak. "I'm done with your games."

But his grip tightened, his lips grazing the curve of my throat. "You started this, remember? Now deal with the consequences."

With a surge of adrenaline, I shoved him hard, finally breaking free from his hold. My voice shook with fury. "Screw you, Marcus. I don't belong to you, and I never will."

I stormed into my room, locking the door behind me. Hallie was still fast asleep, oblivious to the chaos outside. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, my mind racing with the aftermath of what had just happened.

My phone buzzed again, and I knew without looking who it was.

Message from: Future husband
Text: You still think about my touch? You like it, don't you?

This man was going to destroy me.

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