Chapter XI - Smoking? Nah..

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I couldn't believe it. Marcus had just asked me out on a date. A real date. Was this really happening? Was I dreaming? I felt an electrifying thrill race through me, making it hard to stand still. I hadn't felt this way in so long—if ever. Every part of me was buzzing with anticipation.

I had quickly messaged him back, suggesting the coffee bar we had been at only a few hours ago. He agreed without hesitation, which only added fuel to the fire of excitement stirring in my chest.

"You look like you're floating, girl," Lucy said, her voice full of amusement as she lounged on my bed.

"Yeah, I've never seen you smile like that," Hallie added, with a knowing glint in her eye. "Someone's falling hard."

I threw a pillow at Hallie, which only made them laugh harder. They exchanged a look, one of those sly, mischievous glances that only best friends could share. They knew exactly what they were doing, egging me on, enjoying every second of my flustered excitement.

"So," Lucy started, her voice dripping with playful suspicion. "How are you going to dress for him?"

I blinked, pulling at my oversized shirt and looking down at the jeans I was wearing. Marcus liked me for me, right? I wasn't about to throw on some flashy outfit just to impress him. If he wanted me, he'd want all of me, even in this.

"I'm wearing this." I twirled, my voice steady, but I knew they wouldn't let me get away with it so easily.

Lucy narrowed her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "No way. Not happening. You need to make that boy lose his mind over you. Worship you."

I smirked. "I think he already does." But they didn't look convinced, like I was some clueless girl who didn't know what I was getting into.

"Girl, please," Lucy rolled her eyes. "I know your wardrobe, and let me tell you, it's a mess. You're borrowing from Hallie."

"Uh-huh." Hallie jumped in, already making a beeline for her wardrobe. "I've got just the thing."

I watched in horror as she pulled out a short, floral dress. Bright. Colorful. So not me. My stomach turned just looking at it. The last thing I wanted was to walk around looking like a human rainbow.

"Absolutely not," I said firmly, making sure there was no room for argument. "It's cute, but it's just... not me."

Hallie's face fell for a moment before she perked up again. "Okay, okay. I get it. But what about this?" She held up a sleek, simple black dress, its lines clean and sophisticated. My fingers twitched as I looked at it. It wasn't bad. Actually, it was kind of perfect. But still, wearing something like this felt like giving a part of myself away.

But for Marcus... my future husband, as I so dramatically liked to call him, I could make an exception. I was too deep in now to care about something as silly as clothes.

"Fine," I said, taking the dress from her hands. "I'll wear it. Thanks, Hallie."

She grinned, and Lucy shot her a look, both of them sharing that silent victory. I slipped into the dress, adding my own touch by throwing on my trusty sneakers. They hated it, of course, but I didn't care. I needed to hold onto some part of myself, even if just through my shoes.

"You need to fix your hair too," Lucy said, eyeing my messy waves critically. But I just waved her off. My hair was fine. I didn't need to change everything for this.

As I stood there, staring at myself in the mirror, my heart pounded. Was this love? This strange mix of excitement and fear? I felt like I was meeting Marcus for the first time, even though we had known each other for so long. But tonight was different. Tonight, I'd meet the other side of him. The one I'd been dying to see.

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