Chapter V - Not my guardian, fool!

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I felt like a goddess last night. The way his hands roamed over my body, the way his gaze locked onto mine, making me feel as if I were the only thing that mattered in the world—ugh, why am I still thinking about him? Maybe because he was in my dreams, too. Yes, Karla, that dream. That perfect, blissful escape where he felt just as intoxicating as he does in real life. I could almost still feel his touch lingering on my skin.

With a groan, I silenced my alarm and began my morning routine, my mind drifting back to him as it always seemed to. I checked my phone—Lucy had texted, saying she'd fallen asleep but would join us for the movie tonight. A brief flicker of relief, but it was quickly overshadowed by the weight of my thoughts. Marcus... Had he spoken to Liam yet? The possibility gnawed at me. Could it be that he was starting to like me? Or was I just being manipulated all over again? It was impossible to tell with him. The lines between desire and deceit had become so blurred. But no matter what, I resolved to play his game, even if it meant I'd lose in the end.

These thoughts twisted through my mind as I moved through the motions of my routine. Wow, Karla. Always thinking, always analyzing. It's like I'm hardwired for it, unable to shut off the constant stream of thoughts, even in the most mundane moments.

As I stepped quietly out of the room, careful not to wake Hallie—lucky her, having a free day—I made my way to the university, my body moving on autopilot. The dorms were close enough that the walk barely registered anymore, but today, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. And then, as if the universe had a twisted sense of humor, I ran into Liam. His angry morning face greeted me like a storm cloud. He's just like me—another night owl trapped in a morning world.

"Late night again, bro?" I asked, my tone teasing as I jumped onto his back playfully. To my surprise, he caught me easily, like we were kids again.

"Morning to you too, Karla. Let me guess, another stupid idea swirling in your head?" he muttered, eyes locked on the pavement, still half-asleep.

"No, Liam, not today." I stifled a yawn. "I'm too chill for that. Didn't even want to get out of bed this morning. Long night of movie-watching."

"Let me guess," he said with a laugh, "Hallie knocked out halfway through the movie again?"

"Of course. But hold on—how do you know that? I didn't tell you...until...wait!" I hopped off his back, glaring at him in mock suspicion.

"Let's just say I have my ways," he chuckled, eyes gleaming with that smugness only brothers can pull off.

Liam is impossible sometimes. As much as I tried, I couldn't quite picture him and Hallie together. She's so sweet, and he... well, he's my jerk of a brother. But maybe I was missing something. Maybe there was another side of her I hadn't seen.

As we approached the university, I saw Marcus from the corner of my eye. My pulse quickened, and I veered off toward my class, determined to avoid a scene. He winked at me from behind Liam's back, sly and knowing. In response, I shot him a middle finger, all without breaking stride. Two could play this game.


Settling into my seat, I unpacked my notebook and waited for the professor to arrive. University had always felt more like an obligation than a passion—something I was doing because my parents expected it, because Liam had set such a high bar. How could they not see that I wasn't cut out for this? But expectations are a heavy thing to carry, and I wasn't ready to disappoint them just yet.

Mr. Coleman stormed into the room, launching into his lecture with the usual lack of ceremony. He had this way of making every second feel rushed, like we were wasting his time.

Halfway through his monotonous rambling, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Marcus. Again. Of course.

Message from: Satan's Friend
Text: I know another way you can use that finger. Bet you dreamt about me last night. Try not to get too wet, though. Marcus.

I'd renamed him something fitting in my phone. Blocking him was tempting, but where was the fun in that? Besides, the chaos was half the thrill.

The professor shot me a glare as I glanced at my phone. I shoved it back into my bag, muttering an apology.

Christian, a classmate who always tried to lighten the mood, cracked a joke, and I offered him a half-smile. He was nice—too nice, probably. I could tell he liked me, but he wasn't my type. Too safe, too predictable. Where's the fun in that?

As the lecture droned on, my phone buzzed again, but I ignored it. When class finally ended, Christian followed me out of the room, hopeful as ever.

"Hey, Karla, want to team up for that project? Unless you've already got a partner?"

His eyes lingered on me, and I could sense the subtext—he wanted to be more than just study partners. I considered it for a moment, but then I caught sight of Marcus standing across the courtyard, watching us. His gaze was dark, possessive. Perfect.

"Apologies, Christian, I'm a bit clumsy," I said, deliberately stumbling into him, making sure Marcus saw.

Christian grinned. "No worries. Let's talk details later. You're coming to the party tonight, right? Heather's hosting. Should be fun."

I smiled, sensing the opportunity. "Yeah, I'll be there."

As I walked away, I could feel Marcus's fury from across the courtyard, his eyes burning into me. I smirked to myself, knowing I'd gotten under his skin.

My phone buzzed again.

Message from: Satan's Friend
Text: Who the hell was that? Why are you ignoring me? Answer me, Karla. Don't make me come find you.

I stopped in my tracks. Who did he think he was, texting me like that? My blood boiled. If he wanted a fight, I'd give him one.

I turned around and marched toward him, meeting his seething gaze head-on. Even angry, he was devastatingly attractive—dark hair tousled just so, those piercing eyes locked onto me. God, why did my body betray me like this?

"Listen here, asshole," I snapped, my voice barely contained. "I'm not your girlfriend. Hell, I'm not even your friend. So stop texting me, and stop trying to control my life. You want to keep playing games? You'll lose."

Without warning, he grabbed my hand, dragging me into an empty classroom. He lifted me onto the table, his face inches from mine, his hands pressing possessively against my thighs. My body tensed, but I couldn't deny the electric current that shot through me at his touch.

"Don't even think about telling Liam," he growled, his voice low, dangerous. "This stays between us, Karla. He doesn't need to know."

I stared at him, defiant. "There is no us, Marcus. Stop pretending like there is. You're not my keeper, and you sure as hell aren't my boyfriend."

He smirked, his lips hovering just over mine. "No, but I'm the one you can't stop thinking about. Admit it, Karla—you want me."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I hated how right he was. But I couldn't let him have the upper hand, not now.

"I might want a lot of things," I whispered, "but you're not one of them."

With that, I pushed past him, storming out of the room, my heart racing. Tonight would be different. Tonight, I would make him see that I was in control, not him.

He wanted to play games? Fine. But this time, I was playing to win.

Watch out, Marcus Hayne. I'm coming for you like a storm.

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