Chapter XXII - Too forgiving?

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Karla POV

I found myself gazing at my brother, his expression a mix of surprise and contemplation. The question had clearly thrown him, stirring thoughts he hadn't faced in a while. Despite the sudden intrusion into what might be considered personal territory, my curiosity deepened. If he was thinking of proposing to Hallie, hearing their story in his own words would make it more meaningful. Wouldn't it?

"Well, we kept bumping into each other on campus when she came to visit her sister. I guess you could say it was love at first sight," he said, his tone nonchalant, almost rehearsed. The same old story he'd told me before.

"Enough with the recycled bullshit, Liam. I want the real story." My voice was sharper than I intended, but I was done with the evasions. "Give me the truth."

He narrowed his eyes, clearly annoyed. "What do you want to know exactly, K?"

"Everything," I shot back, locking eyes with him. I wasn't letting him off easy this time.

He cracked his knuckles—an old nervous habit. He was definitely uncomfortable, and it didn't take a genius to figure out why. Lucy was sitting right there, listening. The air between them was thick, palpable. I bet that's why he was holding back. The tension between the three of them practically hummed.

"Now I'm curious too. And I bet Lucy is dying to hear this," Marcus chimed in, grinning as he grabbed a handful of chips, acting like he was settling in to watch a show. He was always like this, throwing fuel on the fire just to see the flames dance.

Liam looked like he was about to explode. His eyes flickered between Lucy and me, as if debating how much to reveal. Come on, Liam, just spill it. You've already made your choice.

"Well," he started, his voice rougher than before, "it's a long story. But it all started with a bump. And believe it or not, that still makes me laugh."

Liam's POV—Two Years Ago

Watching things with Lucy spiral out of control had been like standing on the edge of a cliff, knowing I couldn't stop the fall. I kept replaying our fights, our silences, wondering if I'd done something wrong. But deep down, I knew I hadn't. Not really. We were just...done. And yet, here I was, questioning everything, second-guessing every decision that had led us here.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see her until it was too late. I collided with someone—hard. Startled, I looked down and realized I'd nearly bowled over a girl. She seemed too young to be wandering the campus halls alone.

"Watch where you're going, jerk," she snapped, her voice sharp, cutting through the fog in my mind.

I blinked, taking in her defiant stance. Her eyes were startling—a deep, vibrant green that held an intensity I hadn't expected. Something about her reminded me of Karla, the same fire in her gaze, the same no-nonsense attitude, though her face was softer, unfamiliar.

"Excuse me? You bumped into me, genius," I shot back, my frustration giving way to amusement. "Maybe next time, keep your eyes off your phone."

She glared at me, her mouth set in a hard line. "Don't play games with me. Move aside, will you?"

I leaned against the wall, studying her with a smirk. "Feisty. What's your name, little spitfire?"

Her nostrils flared, and she shoved me—actually shoved me—backward with surprising strength. "None of your damn business," she spat before storming off, her steps quick and furious.

I watched her go, bemused. There was something about her. Something that dug its claws into me. Maybe it was the way she seemed completely unimpressed by me. Or maybe it was those eyes. But I wasn't about to forget her.

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