Chapter II - You fooled me

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It's okay, Karla. It's fine. It'll pass. But why does my chest feel like this? What is this feeling—love? Desire? My heart races, each thud vibrating through my ribcage. What the hell did I just do? Why am I feeling like this?

What does Marcus think of me now? Should I call him? Oh, God, what should I do? I'm so stupid. And Liam, that jerk, made everything worse. I'm calling Lucy—she's the only one who doesn't think I'm dumb.

"Hey, Lucy. Can you come over?" My voice cracks, betraying the panic I'm trying to suppress.

"Sure, just let me change real quick." Lucy's calm voice flows through the phone, a small wave of relief crashing over me.

Why do I feel this hollow inside? Maybe it's because you're stupid, Karla. No, that's not it. Am I really this emotionless? Am I... awful?

Before I can drown in these thoughts, Liam bursts in, uninvited as usual. "Don't mind me, just making sure you're not doing something stupid again." His smug face makes me want to scream.

"I hate you, Liam," I snap, the irritation clear in my voice. "Why would I be doing something stupid right now?"

"I love you too, sis. Maybe because you're a little crazy?" His grin spreads wider, mocking me.

Ah, this loser. If only there was some paperwork I could sign to kick him out of the family.

I roll my eyes and wave him off. "You're the only crazy one here, Liam. Didn't I already tell you to leave?"

The door slams, and before I can take a breath, Lucy storms in like a hurricane. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest. This girl has no sense of subtlety.

"Now you're not the only crazy one here. Lucy's keeping you company," Liam quips, lingering by the doorway like an annoying shadow.

"Get out, Liam! I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day—or tomorrow—or, better yet, never again!"

Finally, he listens. Thank God. I swear, Mom, you gave me this brother just to torture me daily.

Lucy watches him leave, then turns to me with that knowing look, the one that pierces right through me. "What's going on with you, girl? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I motion toward the bed, my hand shaky. "Sit down. We need to talk."

Lucy's face softens, concern creeping into her eyes. "You're scaring me now. What happened?"

Of course, I tell her everything. Every single detail of the disaster I created. The lies, the mess. How I got myself into this situation, thinking it was a harmless joke but somehow blowing up everything that mattered. As the words tumble out, I feel smaller, dumber. Maybe Liam's right—I am a little stupid.

After pouring it all out, I look at Lucy, desperate for her to tell me I'm not a complete idiot. "So... am I really that stupid for doing this?"

Lucy's hands fly up in exasperation. "You're beyond stupid! Why didn't you tell me about this insane plan? I could've told you it was the worst idea ever!"

My face falls. "I thought you'd tell me I'm not that crazy."

"No, girl, it's worse than crazy. It's evil." Lucy shakes her head, disbelief written all over her face. "You seriously risked your friendship with Marcus for a kiss? Was it really worth it?"

"But think, Lucy, just think," I plead. "When would I have ever had the chance if I hadn't taken that step?"

"At the right time, Karla," Lucy sighs, her voice softening. "Not like this."

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