Chapter XVIII - Liam's side

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It was baffling how Lucy and Hallie hadn't noticed them yet—Marcus and Liam were practically in front of us. I was the one seated with my back to them, and yet, it was only me who felt their eyes burning holes into my skin. Maybe I was just more attuned to their presence, especially Marcus. He always had a way of making his presence linger, even when he wasn't saying a word.

"So, Lucy, spill it. What's the deal with Christian?" Hallie's curiosity broke the moment, her voice teasing as she leaned in, propping her head on one hand like a detective ready for the case.

Lucy groaned dramatically, burying her face in her hands. "I thought I dodged this interrogation! Honestly, I don't know. I like him, but I'm clueless when it comes to approaching him," she confessed, her words muffled by the table as she took a sip from her glass, the stress evident in her posture.

"Maybe you just need to go with the flow," I suggested, glancing at her over the rim of my own glass. "Or take the plunge. Either way, trust your gut."

Lucy lifted her head, her frustration barely contained as she whined, "Why is this so complicated? Grow up, Lucy. You're not a kid anymore! Where's that 'bad girl' I used to be, huh?" Her outburst drew a few curious glances from nearby tables, but Hallie and I exchanged knowing smiles, trying—and failing—not to laugh.

It was rare to see Lucy unravel like this, especially since she was usually the one teasing us about our love lives. It felt good to flip the script for once.

Despite the easy banter, a part of me was distracted. As Lucy continued to lament her love life, I couldn't stop thinking about Liam and Hallie. I hadn't had much time to talk to my brother about his proposal plans in detail, but the thought of Hallie soon becoming my sister-in-law was surreal. As much as Liam could be a jerk, Hallie had softened him in ways I never thought possible.

Before I could dwell too much on it, Lucy sprang up suddenly, her energy shifting from frustration to excitement. "Ah, screw it! How about we make a beach bonfire? Call your significant others to join us," she said, her mischievous grin making it clear she had something more in mind than just a cozy fire.

I bit my lip, tapping my fingers on the back of my chair, a gesture so casual it could've gone unnoticed—except I was pointing directly at the two men loitering nearby.

"Oh, for God's sake, of course they're here," Lucy groaned dramatically, rolling her eyes to the sky as if pleading with some higher power. "Can't get rid of them for five minutes, can we?"

Within seconds, Marcus and Liam approached, the air shifting as they inserted themselves into the group. Lucy tried to find space on the bench, but the three of them crammed together, leaving her squished between my brother and Hallie while Marcus settled next to me. The laughter we'd been holding back erupted.

"Yeah, sure, make yourselves comfortable," Lucy grumbled, glaring daggers at Liam, who was attempting—and failing—to fit on the bench. "Hello? You're making me feel like an elf, and I'm not short!"

"It's not my fault you're basically a giant, Lucy," Liam shot back, frowning at her in a way that might have looked serious if you didn't know better.

Their bickering was constant, their mutual dislike simmering beneath the surface like a pot waiting to boil over. It still surprised me how they hadn't killed each other by now. I'd never understood why they clashed so much, but I had a nagging suspicion it had something to do with Hallie. The fact that Lucy had known Hallie long before I came into the picture might have stirred up some jealousy—on both sides.

Marcus's hand found its way to my thigh under the table, a gentle squeeze that made my breath catch. He flashed me that familiar smile, the one that said more than words ever could. But it was Liam's gaze that held an unsettling intensity, as if he were picking up on something he shouldn't.

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