Chapter VII - Rough night

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The water still clung to my skin as I hauled myself out of the pool, gasping for breath. My heart pounded louder than the bass that vibrated through the air, and all I could think was, What have I done? I scanned the chaos in front of me—Liam and Marcus were circling each other like predators, their fists clenched, their eyes wild with rage. I've ruined everything, I thought, panic clawing at my chest. I never should've asked Liam to stay. This was a disaster waiting to happen.

I hurried toward them, desperate to put an end to it, but Lucy materialized in front of me, her hand stopping me dead in my tracks. Her expression was cold, a mask of steely control, and I could see in her eyes that she meant business.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, my voice cracking with desperation. "I have to stop them!"

"No, Karla. Stay out of it. Let them work this out themselves," she said flatly, her gaze steady, unreadable.

I looked past her, my eyes following the fight. They were tearing each other apart. The other guests were standing around in a semicircle, enthralled by the spectacle, while Heather stood off to the side, arms crossed, seemingly entertained by the whole thing. Of course she is. Who wouldn't enjoy watching their guests throw punches?

"Liam, stop it!" I screamed, stepping forward again, but Lucy's grip tightened. I could feel the tension rippling off her in waves, as though she was keeping herself from diving into the fray.

"You're just making it worse," she warned, but I couldn't listen.

I twisted out of her grasp and shoved my way between the two of them, ignoring the warning shouts from the boys trying to hold them back. I planted myself firmly between Liam and Marcus, my chest heaving, adrenaline rushing through my veins. The weight of the crowd's eyes bore down on me, suffocating.

"Both of you, stop! Look at yourselves—look what you're doing!" I yelled, my voice shaking but louder than I expected. I turned my glare on Liam first. "I told you to stay out of my life, didn't I? I warned you over and over, but you just can't help yourself, can you? Now look at this mess. Look at what you've caused!"

Liam's face darkened, his eyes still fixed on Marcus, but he stayed quiet, jaw clenched.

"And you," I snapped, whirling on Marcus. His expression shifted slightly—something between a sneer and a smirk. "Was it worth it, Marcus? Was throwing away your friendship worth it?"

He glared at me, but his voice was calm, calculated. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

Liam wasn't having it. "She does, Marcus. You've been playing her, and now she's finally seeing you for what you are. A manipulator. A liar."

Marcus's laugh was cold, bitter, as though he was amused by the entire thing. "And she played me right back, didn't you, Karla?" His eyes bored into mine, daring me to contradict him. "After all, you started this."

I let out a laugh—a wild, manic sound that broke through the tension like a whip crack. I spun in a slow circle, taking in the shocked faces of the partygoers, and my laughter grew louder, almost hysterical.

"Me? I manipulated you?" I asked, still laughing. "Oh, please. Does anyone here honestly believe I'm capable of manipulating Marcus Hayne? Me?" I motioned to myself like the absurdity of it was self-evident. "I only played along because it was more fun than crying about it!"

For a split second, I thought I saw a flicker of approval on Liam's face, but it was gone before I could be sure. His fists slowly unclenched, and the boys who were holding him let go.

Marcus, on the other hand, straightened, shaking off the guys who had restrained him. His eyes never left mine, like a predator who's found a new angle of attack. He smirked at the crowd, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Nothing more to see here, folks. Party's back on."

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