Chapter 1

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Harry dashed to his room and slammed the door behind him. He pulled the small dresser to partially block the door, hoping it would buy him some time. He hurried over to Hedwig's cage and opened it as fast as possible, fumbling with the key in his haste and fear. He eventually got it open and he threw his window open.

"Go, Hedwig!" he said loudly. She hooted quietly and hopped to the door of her cage, but stopped, cocking her head at him as though asking what he meant. "Fly! Please!"

Harry's eyes snapped fearfully to the bedroom door when it was shoved hard, skidding the dresser a little. Vernon wasn't in the room yet, but it wouldn't be long. He looked back at his beloved owl who was startled by the noise, but hesitant to leave her human.

"Hedwig!" Harry cried again and, this time, she spread her wings and flew through the open window. Harry spun to watch her go, relieved she had escaped. No sooner had she disappeared into the night than Vernon burst into the room, his face a reddish-purple with rage. Harry jumped as the dresser went crashing into the wall, the corner putting a small hole in the wall.

He honestly had no idea what to do as he pressed himself against the desk beneath the window. He stared at his uncle with wide eyes as the man stalked towards him, growling. This seemed different to every other beating at the hands of his uncle. He didn't know what was different, but there was something and it terrified him.

He gasped and clawed at his uncle's hand as it wrapped around his throat. His uncle said nothing. He just squeezed and pulled Harry up so he was no longer touching the ground. Harry gasped for air, tears leaking out the corner of his eyes. He was starting to get lightheaded and had small, black spots appearing in his vision when Vernon threw him across the room. He slid across the floor and cried out when he crashed into the door frame. He was gulping in air and coughing harshly only to shout in pain as Vernon grabbed a fistful of his hair and started dragging him down the hall.

Crying out, Harry struggled, not caring if he lost chunks of his scalp if it meant he could get away. It was to no avail, however, as Harry was viciously kicked at the top of the stairs. Yelping at the internal crack he felt from the kick, he went tumbling down the stairs, landing in a pained heap at the bottom.

A sob fell from his lips. He shakily pressed his fingertips to his forehead only for them to come back covered in blood. He'd smashed his head on the way down the stairs, causing a large gash. He ignored the blood quickly coating his face and started to drag himself across the floor in a hopeless attempt to escape.

He screamed when Vernon viciously stomped on his left leg, effectively snapping his tibia.

"You're not going anywhere, boy," Vernon spat.

Harry sucked in a breath as Vernon kicked him in the stomach, flinging him against the door to his old cupboard. His shoulder blade hit the small doorknob and he felt yet another small crack in the bone. He let out a choked sob and curled up, wrapping an arm around his stomach. He looked up at his uncle through blood and tears, his entire body shaking in pain and fear.

"You have brought trouble and misery to my home for the last time," Vernon growled. "I will no longer tolerate your freakiness."

Harry's eyes widened as the belt was held high in the air and covered his head with his arms as it was brought down. He screamed and whimpered as the belt tore into his arm, side, and back. He felt his shirt and skin rip and blood begin to flow freely.

He wanted so badly to move, to fight back, to run away, but he couldn't do anything. Even if he wasn't too injured to move, he was paralyzed with the fear and hopelessness that he always felt in the face of his uncle's beatings. He'd never been brave or strong enough to fight back. He was too weak to do anything; that had been proven in the graveyard.

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