Chapter 28

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Note: I made up Silas Perrot though Perrot is an actual name from canon. Also, I made up every single thing about Blaise Zabini, his family, and the Sacred Twenty-Eight stuff.


Draco stiffened and pulled his wand with a glare as he rounded the corner only to be confronted by Nott, Goyle, and the Carrows. They looked at him with deep malice and sneered at his wand. It had been a long first week, between the little attacks from Slytherins, the already very busy classes, and the increase in odd dreams about a glowing orb and his usual nightmares about his father. Not to mention the constant effort it was taking to keep his magic under control. The only relief he got from the strain was in Potions and Runes with Potter, a little in Defence and Astronomy due to Potter's slight proximity, training with Leif, and while asleep. He was exhausted and truly not up to dealing with Nott yet again.

"Where are you going, traitor?" Nott sneered.

"Place called the library," Draco said. "Doubt you've heard of it."

Nott stepped towards him. "Won't find nothing in there that'll save you."

Draco's eyes flicked to the four wands that had been drawn. He fought his magic down. If they learned of it, they'd tell Voldemort, and his bounty would change from death to imprisonment.

"See, we are going to do as we're told," Nott said in a low voice. "We're not weak." He spat the word and it took everything Draco had not to flinch.

"I think you're the definition," Draco said and found himself suddenly pinned to the wall.

Nott threw a knee to his wrist, making him drop his wand reflexively in pain while pressing his forearm across Draco's neck. His eyes flicked to Hestia as she picked up his wand before moving back to Nott when he shoved his wand into Draco's cheek. He clenched his teeth as the wand tip began to grow warm, quickly heating. He desperately wanted to do something, but it was four on one and he didn't have his wand.

Nott leaned in to whisper into his ear. "We were told to show you what happens to traitors which means long and slow. Ready for that? Ready to see if you absorbed your training?"

Draco stiffened further, praying his fear didn't show on his face. He knew what would be done, at least some of it. Being tortured the way Voldemort would do it was a key part of training. To take it with little to no reaction was paramount. It was also to instill knowledge of what to expect if you deserted.

Nott was right. It was long and slow.

His teeth were beginning to ache with how tightly he was clenching them as he felt his skin begin to bubble under Nott's wand. Tears stung at the pain, but he refused to let them fall. He glared hard directly into Nott's eyes.

"Problem, ladies and gentlemen?"

Draco stumbled as he was released so quickly he had no time to regain his balance. He heard wood hit stone and found his wand rolling to his feet. He scowled at the other Slytherins, gingerly covering the no doubt nasty burn on his cheek with one hand while he snatched up his wand with the other. He watched Snape sweep up to them, hands behind his back, robes billowing, and face severe. He had an eyebrow raised as he looked at each of them, his eyes lingering on Draco a moment longer than the others.

"I believe I asked you a question," Snape said, looking back at Draco's attackers. "Mr. Nott?"

"No, no problem, Professor," Nott said. "Just reminding Malfoy loyalty."

Draco glared at the other Slytherin, dropping his hand from his cheek to grip his bag strap to avoid doing anything.

"I was unaware such a conversation would require wands," Snape said, looking pointedly at the wands still in all their hands. "Ten points from Slytherin. I recommend, Mr. Nott, having such conversations in more...private locations."

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