Chapter 38

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"See how annoyed McGonagall was today?" Draco said to Blaise as they, along with Simon, Adelaide, and Daphne, headed up to the seventh floor, dodging Umbridge and enemy Slytherins as they went.

"Umbridge started her inspections and evaluations of the teachers," Blaise said. "Apparently, she's been bombarding them during their free periods with basically interrogations."

"Can't believe she walked away from McGonagall alive," Daphne said.

"And Snape," Adelaide added.

"Just wait until she sits in on classes," Blaise said.

"Think she'll actually try to get rid of any of the professors?" Simon said.

"Depends on what she thinks she finds," Draco said and they looked at each other grimly.

They waited until the Carrow girls disappeared before rounding the final corner and walking to the stretch of wall across from Barnabus the Barmy. Draco paced three times, calling for the door through which they quickly slipped. Inside, they found a large room virtually identical to the training room Draco and Harry used with Leif and Alexei. This one, however, only had one connecting doorway and it was covered with an opalescent grey curtain.

Leif, Alexei, and Harry were already there, along with about two dozen students from all the Houses. Draco was stunned by the turnout, having never expected so many to be willing to take the risk. The five of them got stares as others noticed them and Draco couldn't help but tense, knowing the reputation he still had among basically the entire school. He glanced at Blaise, Simon, Adelaide, and Daphne, and found all except Blaise looking slightly unsure. He didn't blame them. It was mostly Gryffindors and they were the only Slytherins.

"Draco!" Harry called, jogging over to him from where he'd been talking to the Weasley twins and Jordan. "Glad you guys could come," he said to the other Slytherins.

"No one else was willing," Draco said, remembering the reactions he'd seen when the sign-up page appeared in Slytherin common room.

"I think they're waiting to see if we come back," Blaise said and Harry laughed. Draco had to admit he was surprised at the easy exchange as Harry and Blaise had never spoken before.

"Whenever you're ready, boys," Leif called to them, he and Alexei standing off to the side where they had been quietly talking.

"Ready?" Harry said and Draco nodded.

They stood next to each other, facing all the other students who quickly settled down and turned to them expectantly. Draco suddenly found himself extremely nervous.

"Uh, hi, everyone," Harry started awkwardly. "We're glad to see so many."

Harry paused and Draco glanced over at Leif and Alexei, receiving nods of encouragement.

"So, if you're here then you aren't happy with this year's Defense curriculum," Draco jumped in and murmurs of agreement ran through the crowd.

"I also need to know," Harry said. "Who believes me about Voldemort?"

Draco immediately found Thomas and Finnigan, knowing they had been some of the most vocal deniers. More than half raised their hands; only six didn't, including Thomas and Finnigan.

"It's not that I don't believe you, Harry," Thomas said. "I think it's more I'm afraid to, knowing I can't do anything if that kind of danger is actually out there."

"But that doesn't mean it's not real," Finnigan said, surprising Draco.

"What changed your mind?" Harry asked.

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