Chapter 17

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"Albus, I have told you I'm through having this discussion," Severus said as he entered the study with the headmaster.

"You know what the disturbance in the Ministry means," Dumbledore said. "The power to defeat Voldemort has awakened in Harry and it has activated the prophecy. He must be trained."

"He is being trained. He and Mr. Malfoy began a few days ago," Severus said.

"With who?" Dumbledore asked.

Severus crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "You know perfectly well who. They are the only natural masters in the world."

"A vampire known to go rogue and an immortal with no loyalties to speak of?" Dumbledore said. "I cannot allow Harry to be trained by such a person, not when our world lays on him."

Severus glared. "That is a mistake you made. I've said it before, Potter is not a soldier to train and send to slaughter. He is a boy."

"I am not the one that marked him," Dumbledore said.

"No, but you are contributing to the belief that it means something," Severus said.

"He is connected to Voldemort in a way no one else is," Dumbledore said.

"Magical compatibility that morphed into a Mind Link due to the Resurrection Ritual, I would assume," Severus said. "If you want Potter to be strong enough to fight the Dark Lord, no need to fear. Alexei can train him to be strong enough. However, he will not be sent to fight a battle that is ours to fight."

"That is not how Voldemort sees it," Dumbledore said.

"And we are to let him dictate our actions?" Severus said dryly.

"Voldemort is gaining power quickly, Severus. Harry must be ready."

"To survive, not fight," Severus said shortly.

Dumbledore gave him a searching look. "Not so long ago you did not defend Harry so fiercely."

"Not so long ago I knew nothing but lies of my own making about the boy, lies you did nothing to disprove," Severus said, eyes narrowing.

"Have you come to care for him?"

Severus hesitated for a fraction. "I am uncertain, but I know I will not allow him to be your sacrifice in the war you helped create."

"You are playing a dangerous game that could risk both of you."

"I was unaware I ever stopped being at risk," Severus said with a slight sneer.

Dumbledore sighed. "He must fulfil the prophecy."

"Prophecies go unfulfilled all the time," Severus said with a hint of irritation.

"Voldemort will not stop hunting him."

"Then we help him in the fight, not abandon him to it."

Severus glared at the headmaster, frustrated with his obsession with the prophecy. He'd told the truth; he didn't know how he felt about Potter or Malfoy. The only things he knew was that he did not feel the same way he did in June and he refused to leave them in Dumbledore's plans. Dumbledore was concerned about his 'greater good', not two hurt and lost fifteen-year-old boys.

"Albus, I will not have this discussion again. I will not have my choices questioned," Severus said.

"I am afraid we will have to discuss it at least once more for you are only their unofficial guardian for the summer. Come their return to Hogwarts, Mr. Malfoy's care reverts to Lucius and Harry to me," Dumbledore said.

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