Chapter 53

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If Draco coming to class with a bandage wrapped around his hand, looking so much like when Umbridge was harming him, wasn't worrying enough, Harry's attempts to slip into the classroom without being noticed again would have pushed him into the territory. Even as he continued his lesson, Alexei narrowed his eyes at the Gryffindor, tracking Harry as the boy stuffed a reddened tissue into his pocket while taking what seemed to be becoming his new seat at the back of the room instead of his usual spot next to Draco. This was the fourth time Harry had shown up late to class and Alexei was a mixture of annoyed, disappointed, and concerned. The behaviour just wasn't like Harry and, if it continued, it could hurt the Gryffindor's future with the Rune Mage Association. Not to mention, Severus would be furious once he discovered Harry's newest attitude towards his education.

"Mr. Potter, stay behind after class to make up for your late arrival," Alexei said, arching an eyebrow when the boy scowled at him in response.

Keeping an eye on Harry, Alexei finished his lesson and arranged the class for practicing the newly-introduced spell. When he instructed the class to pair up and Harry and Draco very purposely continued to avoid each other, Alexei was convinced something was going on. Something very serious was wrong.

As he circulated and passed both boys with their atypical partners, he became aware of something strange and even more concerning. Both Harry's and Draco's magic were wound tight and turning sharp while simultaneously being pushed down. While it wasn't unusual for the boys to hold their magic back in class to keep it secret, the extent of this suppression was strange. He was unable to connect to either boy, could hardly get his magic close enough to try, and both were refusing to connect to each other. The forced suppression of their magic and restriction of their compatible connection was clearly hurting both boys, agitating their magic.

He frowned slightly to himself as he continued circulating, wondering what could be causing Harry and Draco to hurt themselves in such a way and if it had anything to do with their recent behaviour changes.

After another hour, Alexei called an end to his double period and dismissed the fifth years. He watched them all leave, smiling and wishing good weekends as he perched against the edge of his desk with his arms and ankles crossed. Once all the students had exited, Alexei turned to Harry who had moved to his usual seat, slumped in the chair with his own arms crossed. He gazed at Harry for a few moments, taking in the annoyed expression, the light circles under the dimmer eyes, the lines of tension in the face, and the way the Gryffindor tried not to wince in apparent pain.

"I'm sorry I was late," Harry finally said into the silence, voice full of irritation. "Detention, got it. Can I go?"

"No, you can't," Alexei replied, taken aback by the glare cast at him. "This is not the first time you've been late and it is not like you."

"I lost track of time," Harry explained shortly.

Alexei arched an eyebrow. "Four times and in other classes?"

Harry dropped his scowl to the desktop. "I was late to Charms once."

"And you very nearly didn't make it to Runes last week," Alexei pointed out. "Twice."

Harry turned his glare back to Alexei. "Are you spying on me?"

"No, but I have followed up with your other professors in my worry," Alexei answered and Harry rolled his eyes.

"There's nothing to worry about."

"I think we can agree that is very obviously not true," Alexei argued. "Severus will be disappointed when he finds out."

"So what?" Harry snapped. "He's not my father. Neither are you so leave it alone."

Alexei frowned at the response. It was dramatically different to how Harry and Draco had both reacted to the adoption offer over Christmas. "Maybe not, but we do care. Harry, what's going on?"

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