Chapter 2

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Severus glanced up from the potions he was organizing and separating for Potter and Malfoy to watch Dumbledore enter the Hospital Wing. The headmaster walked over to the boys' beds, standing between them. Potter and Malfoy had finally woken, a little over twenty-four hours after they had been found. They'd both seemed confused about where they were before blanching, obviously recalling whatever had happened to them. When they'd spotted Severus, their eyes had widened and they'd tensed, though with fear or hatred, he hadn't been able to discern. Severus hadn't said anything, choosing to organize the potions and let the boys wake and settle a bit before calling for Dumbledore. While he wanted to know both of their stories, beyond potions, they were not his responsibility and he wasn't there to comfort.

"Harry, Draco," Dumbledore said when both sets of eyes snapped to him. "I am very happy to see you awake. You both had us worried."

Potter and Malfoy didn't respond, just staring at the headmaster. Severus picked up a couple of potions and went to each boy respectively, giving each a Pain Reliever. They both gave him a suspicious look, but took the potion willingly when they recognized what it was and the pain they were feeling. He returned to the tray of potions and stood behind it while he waited for Dumbledore to start trying to get explanations. He would be monitoring the boys in case any of the other potions were needed.

"Would either of you care to tell us what happened and how you came to be here at Hogwarts?" Dumbledore asked, looking between the boys expectantly.

Green and grey eyes flicked around, finding Severus and each other. Their jaws clenched and Severus knew they were going to refuse to speak. He wasn't surprised. If his theory about what happened to them was correct, it would be extremely unlikely that they would be able to get them to speak. Yet he knew Dumbledore would push them, determined to have answers though likely to ignore any that he didn't particularly like or feel fit into his expectations.

"Boys, we need to know what caused you such injuries so we know how to help," Dumbledore said.

Severus watched the boys' eyes narrow at the headmaster. They clearly didn't trust anyone, even the headmaster, to help them. He was slightly surprised even Potter seemed to distrust his beloved headmaster, but he imagined they had both tried to get help at some point in their lives and it had failed. Such failure quickly turned into never trying again in his experience.

"Well then, can you tell me how you got here?" Dumbledore asked, switching issues.

"I don't know," Potter said stiffly, obviously choosing to give them something likely in hopes they would leave him alone. "I...fell asleep in Privet Drive."

"Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore turned to the blonde.

"I was at home as well last I knew," Malfoy said just as guardedly and trying to pull up his usual haughtiness though it was less than sincere.

Dumbledore gazed at them intently and Severus knew he was attempting to use Legilimency on the boys. "Did anything happen before you were unconscious?"

The boys stayed silent again. Severus noticed an increase in Malfoy's trembling and swept over with another potion, raising an eyebrow when Malfoy looked like he was going to refuse the potion. His stern look convinced the blonde to take the potion, making him nod at the boy, satisfied. He returned to his place behind the potion tray.

Dumbledore sighed. "Boys, I need to know what happened before you came here so that I know if the castle is at risk of other infiltrations."

"Last thing I remember is there was a pressure in my chest," Potter said, sounding annoyed at Dumbledore's minor manipulation.

"I felt the same," Malfoy added, also sounding irritated.

Dumbledore hummed. "Intriguing. I will continue to investigate. Now, tell me what caused you both to be in such states."

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