Chapter 25

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[English text] Paidí = [Greek text] Παιδί = Child


Harry slowly circled his room, dancing his fingers over every surface almost reverently. He could hardly believe what that room—that manor—had become, despite the people, or, maybe, because of the people. He wasn't sure, to be honest, just like he wasn't completely sure about his entire range of feelings. He didn't want to think about them too much since they were going to be back at Hogwarts in mere hours and the last seven weeks were no longer allowed to have happened. It was hard, though, to let go of whatever it had all been.

"Mr. Potter."

He turned away from the window, ending his gaze at the grounds that had him remembering his lessons with Alexei, his meals and conversations with Leif, his walks—and fights—with Malfoy, and his summer with Snape. Looking at the professor in the doorway, he remembered last night and glanced at the man's arms. He remembered the pain he'd been in, the abject fear he'd felt, and how, in the middle of bleeding, Snape had offered comfort. None of them were ending the summer on solid footing, unsure where they really stood while knowing what they had to do, so receiving and accepting comfort from Snape was odd. Yet, it had been everything he'd ever wanted all his life. Why did it have to come from Snape and right when it had to end?

Such vicious irony.

"It is time to leave," Snape said.

There was that tug he'd been feeling—and ignoring—for days now. He nodded and walked over to the bed, pulling his trunk off and swinging his bag over his shoulder. He headed downstairs at Snape's gesture as the man crossed the wide area to Malfoy's room. In the downstairs study, Leif and Alexei were there. He stood next to Alexei who briefly rubbed his back, putting his trunk in front of him to wait. He glanced at the fireplace, remembering when he first came through it all those weeks ago with a busted leg. He'd never expected his time there to turn out the way it had.

He wasn't sure what to expect now, returning to his friends and Hogwarts and the way things were before. He was sure it wasn't going to be as easy as he hoped.

Snape and Malfoy entered the study then, and he met the grey eyes. Something ran through him, something he couldn't—wouldn't—identify and a similar something flashed in Malfoy's eyes. He didn't want to ignore it, pretend he hadn't seen it, but he had to. Real life was about to resume. So, he looked down, tapping the handle of his trunk.

He hardly heard Leif's and Alexei's warnings about the struggles he and Malfoy would likely face with their magic as they rejoined throngs of students and staff. He couldn't help the dread and already simmering anger about the Ministry's interference at Hogwarts. They expected him to just take this professor and the entire Ministry calling him a liar? He scoffed to himself. They had all better lower their expectations. He would not hesitate to argue for the truth. He would not allow Cedric's memory to be disrespected by people lying about how he died.

"We will see you soon, but be safe," Alexei said and he was startled when the vampire pulled him into a firm hug, followed by Leif. He blinked quickly and avoided eye contact.

Leaving all of this was feeling more and more impossible.

"Mr. Potter, it is time to get you to Headquarters," Snape said and Harry watched him wait expectantly by the fireplace.

"Right," he said, grabbing his trunk again. He started toward Snape, looking at Malfoy. He couldn't leave like this. He stopped in front of the Slytherin and held his hand out, watching the confusion cross the other boy's face.

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