Chapter 12

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"Potter, are all of your clothes in such a state?" Severus asked at breakfast a couple of days later. He had noticed the Gryffindor's terrible wardrobe previously, but had assumed they were his only options before getting his trunk and then that, perhaps, they were what Potter felt most comfortable in. Now, however, after a month together, he wasn't so sure of those assumptions.

He watched Potter blink dumbly before looking down at the overly large greyish T-shirt with a few holes torn in it.

"Uh, yes, sir. They're second-hand from my cousin," Potter said, almost sounding confused about why his clothes might be a point of conversation.

Severus fought to conceal any reaction to the revelation while anger boiled inside him at yet something else that was denied Potter by the bloody Muggles. The more he learned, the happier he became that they were already dead and that Lucius was still tortured daily for losing his son. It gave him the opportunity to focus on the boys rather than any desire for revenge on their behalf.

"I see," Severus said. "Well, I do not feel they are acceptable. We will have to run to a shop."

"Sir?" Potter said, frowning.

"You need a proper wardrobe, Mr. Potter. There is a town not too far away that we will go to, under Polyjuice, of course," Severus explained.

"But, I haven't got money. My clothes are fine," Potter argued and Severus sighed, having figured it would be an issue.

"You are my responsibility for the summer so I will take care of it," Severus said. "Do not worry yourself unnecessarily."

Potter clearly wanted to keep arguing, but stayed silent at Severus' stern stare, returning to his omelette. Severus continued eating as well, but released an annoyed sigh when he heard his Floo activate, drawing curious looks from the two boys.

What the hell does Albus want now? he thought, irritated. Considering there was an Order meeting later that day, he could only assume they would, once again, be discussing Potter and Malfoy, a conversation he was already tired of having. He downed his remaining coffee, wishing it was a far stronger substance, and looked up just as the headmaster entered the kitchen.

"Albus, despite what it may seem with these two, I do not actually enjoy my home being invaded repeatedly without invitation," Severus said, glaring at the man.

"I know, Severus, but we must finish our discussion," Dumbledore said.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "I was unaware there was any more to say."

"Severus," Dumbledore said, staring at him.

Severus rolled his eyes. "Very well." He rose to his feet. "Finish eating, then head outside," he told the boys and then followed Dumbledore to the study, closing the door behind them. He crossed his arms and stared at Dumbledore hard, waiting.

"I am asking you to reconsider one last time, Severus," Dumbledore said and Severus huffed, getting angry. "This arrangement is not sustainable."

"Might I remind you it was your arrangement in the first place," Severus pointed out.

"It was meant to be temporary so you could discover how they got into Hogwarts. We needed to be sure the wards were intact," Dumbledore said.

"We should be far more concerned about the harm they would come to if they were anywhere but here," Severus said.

"They continue to be in more danger the longer they are here," Dumbledore said.

"On the contrary, I believe they are safer here," Severus said. "They are in more danger outside this manor, both from those that claim or should claim to care for them and those that seek to do harm."

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