Chapter 40

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Note: Harry's and Draco's scenes are happening at the same time as each other and at the same time as Severus' scene.


The rest of November passed fairly quickly and relatively smoothly considering all that had preceded the month. The three of them seemed to have settled into their new dynamic well, Harry and Draco seeming to quietly revel in the mere idea of having a reliable adult responsible for and willing to help them. Though, Severus could still sense some hesitance from them towards trusting the situation and him too much. He wasn't surprised; Lucius remained a very real threat to Draco and Dumbledore to Harry. Both had very real power that would enable them to take the boys regardless of the guardianship and, given how much the thought terrified him, he could only imagine the fear the boys kept hidden. He, Leif, and Alexei did their best to assure the boys of their safety, but they knew it was only so effective since they all knew if Lucius, Dumbledore, or even Voldemort wanted the boys, they would go to any lengths.

He supposed claiming the month had passed smoothly wasn't completely accurate. Rather, it was more the threats and issues had chosen to follow quietly a few steps behind instead of standing directly before them. Everything had stepped into the shadows to watch them instead of blatantly antagonizing them. He couldn't deny that the silence made him nervous.

Despite the threats waiting on the outskirts for their moment, there were plenty of improvements that had been made.

Both Harry and Draco had seen a decrease in their nightmares, at least, to an extent. He knew, with Christmas break three weeks away, Draco was dreaming of his father, but they had clearly lessened in intensity. The same was for Harry. The Gryffindor was still plagued by nightmares he couldn't remember—Severus couldn't even find evidence of them during Occlumency—but his other nightmares about the Dursleys and the third task had finally lessened. He knew the improvement was likely from both the guardianship as well as the fact that both boys were making great strides in Occlumency. Draco had an almost natural ability to perform the redirection that Occlumency typically called for and had grown quite skilled at blocking surrounding emotions and magic, a requirement for succeeding with his Aether Magic. Harry, on the other hand, had grown exceptional at using his Elemental Magic to achieve Occlumency. His wall of fire was becoming impenetrable while his whirlpool was an amazing diversion.

Additionally, they were both becoming incrementally more willing to discuss the things that haunted them. He'd learned more about Draco's 'training', his isolation, the neglect by his mother, and had been permitted to examine the scar that ran the length of his sternum: a repeated Cutting Curse with a Burning Curse anytime he did something wrong. It was, unfortunately, too deep and too old to do anything about, a reminder Draco would forever be stuck with. In terms of Harry, he'd learned about the life of abuse, the imprisonment in the cupboard, the lies about his parents, and had learned what happened that day in July. Apparently, Harry had accidentally responded with magic when his cousin attempted to burn him on the stove and his uncle had decided he'd had enough of magic.

Every new thing Severus learned broke his heart even more and made him more determined to give the boys all they'd been denied for fifteen years.

Alongside their lack of nightmares, improved Occlumency, and growing willingness to confide in him, Leif and Alexei had also praised how both boys were excelling at their training. Leif was apparently preparing to teach Draco the final, most difficult skill of an Aetherion and Alexei wasn't sure there was much more for him to teach Harry at the individual level. Much of the boys' training had become about working in tandem with each other and the immortals were discussing bringing Severus into the sessions. Severus could hardly express how impressed he was with Harry and Draco, that, after just four months, they'd both nearly mastered their magic.

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