Chapter 4

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Severus sipped his coffee and perused the Daily Prophet while Malfoy and Potter ate their breakfasts in tense silence. They'd come down at the same time, and he hadn't missed Malfoy's hateful glances or the dark circles under Potter's eyes. He glanced over the paper and rolled his eyes at Potter.

"Stop playing with your food like a child," he snapped.

Potter jumped at being addressed, but instantly pulled a glare onto his face.

"Yeah, Potter. You acted enough like a baby with all that screaming last night," Malfoy sneered.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt your precious beauty sleep?" Potter retorted.

"Is that why you refuse to go back to those filthy Muggles of yours? They actually kicked you out for being such a weak waste of space?" Malfoy spat.

"That's none of your damn business, ferret," Potter snapped. "What about you, huh? Daddy finally realize how humiliating it is to have you for a son?"

"At least I have parents, orphan."

Severus slammed a hand on the table, dropping the Prophet so he could glare at the boys. They both jumped and turned wide, startled eyes on him.

"That is enough," Severus said. "If you cannot speak civilly, do not speak at all. I will not have my peace disrupted because I was forced to take in the likes of the two of you."

He stared the two boys down, meeting both green and grey eyes. Both flashed, furious at him and with each other, but there was another emotion hidden behind their rage. Whatever it was made them both back down, dropping their gazes back to their eggs and toast. Once he was satisfied the boys weren't going to speak to each other again, he returned to his Daily Prophet.

He had no idea how this was going to work. He couldn't stand Potter or Malfoy, and he really didn't give a damn about anything they'd gone through or done. They were both arrogant, spoiled brats that brought out the worst in him and each other. His home would be levelled by the end of the month with the two of them there going at each other with their destructive tendencies. He should have refused and insisted they be returned to their homes, damn Dumbledore's belief that they were hiding secret magical powers and strength. Malfoy was competent and intelligent, sure, but neither were going to suddenly be revealed as their age's most powerful wizards.

He would do as Dumbledore requested and discover how the two got into the castle, but that would be all. He had no desire to coddle them through their abuse or any other issues. He studiously ignored the small voice in his head pointing out how badly he'd wanted and needed someone to help him through his own abuse at their age, yet never received it. They both had more than enough people to turn to for sappy affection.

He finished his coffee and folded the paper, placing it on the table beside his empty plate. Both boys had also finished their breakfasts and were sitting quietly, staring at their cleared plates. He groaned internally at the petulant expressions.

Merlin, save me from moody, traumatized teenage boys, he thought before clearing his throat to get the boys' attention. They seemed to be hesitant, likely still cowed by his previous anger and comment.

"Mr. Malfoy, you will return to your room. Mr. Potter, meet me upstairs in the library," Severus told them and left the dining room before they could respond. He was determined to find out about the boys' magic as quick as possible so they could just ignore each other for the rest of their stay together.

He walked down the hall and pushed through the double doors at the very end, entering his very large library. He sat in one of the wingback chairs and waited for Potter, wondering how he was meant to convince the boy to tell him his secrets. He did not understand what made Dumbledore believe the two boys would confide in him.

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