Chapter 44

43 3 2

[English text] Moy drug = [Russian text] Мой друг = My friend


When Severus walked into the private room, Siguard was in the process of stepping away for a break. Severus walked across the room, standing at the foot of the bed and gazing at Leif. His friend remained still and unconscious, unaware of the turmoil his friends were going through. He was pale and his breathing shallow, his usually neat sandy-brown hair splayed messily across the pillow. His bottom half was covered by the thin hospital blanket while his top half remained bared of cover or clothes to allow for access. The skin on his bicep, shoulder, chest, and neck was still horribly blackened, bloody, and melted, skin bubbled and peeling. Spots had clearly healed, particularly one spot on the chest and one spot on the front of the shoulder where two runes and some instructions had been reapplied. Severus had seen a large number of terrible things—had caused many of those things—but none of them had ever made him feel the way he did then, seeing Leif so close to death.

"How is he?" he asked, looking at Siguard and Alexei.

Siguard sat heavily in the chair positioned next to Leif and obviously set up for when he took breaks. "Alive, but still barely." The Rune Mage ran a hand through his hair, sipping at the drink he held, presumably tea or coffee. "I've managed to redraw the immortality and regeneration runes with their instructions, but it takes a tremendous amount of power to make these runes and..." he trailed off and Severus frowned.

"What is it?"

"Leif's magic can't seem to bind to the runes, not permanently," Alexei explained. "I'm able to keep hold of his magic whenever it releases the runes, but it's essentially what the Muggles call life support. We're missing something about the way his magic connects to the runes."

"I've sent for the Association Masters in hopes they may have some insight," Siguard told him.

"You can keep him alive this way?" Severus asked, feeling skeptical.

"Technically." Siguard nodded.

"Our compatible magic allows me to hold Leif's magic and help it try to bind to the runes, to give them enough power each time to help him hold on longer," Alexei explained. "It is not indefinite though. My magic is still finite."

Severus nodded, understanding. "Keep me updated."

"Of course," Alexei said softly. "How are the boys?"

Severus let out a single small, humourless laugh. "Healed, worried, and testing my patience with their extreme displeasure with the new arrangement on Draco's side."

Alexei chuckled quietly.

"I overheard them discussing how to ask permission to go to Hogsmeade next weekend," Severus said and Alexei looked at him in surprise.

"Are you considering allowing them?" Alexei asked.

"Not particularly, but denying them could very well invite rebellion," Severus said with a small sigh.

"Would they after what's just happened?" Alexei asked.

"If it is something they want," Severus said. "Harry's done it before despite the danger he was in."

Alexei hummed, amused. "I admit, I am not surprised."

Severus just gave the vampire a look full of exasperation for the boy that was such a menace to his peace of mind, but had settled so firmly in his heart.

"Let me know what the Association says," Severus requested.

"Will do," Siguard said with a small salute.

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