Chapter 35

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When Harry heard the agonized scream and felt his magic jump erratically inside him, his stomach dropped. He took off running, his friends calling after him, and he dashed around the side of the Quidditch Pitch. Seeing Malfoy on the ground, despite moving, screaming, and bloodied, made Cedric flash in his head and fear filled him.

"Draco!" he shouted without even realizing just what he'd said and hurried over, immediately catching Warrington in the face with a punch, knocking the large Slytherin off of Malfoy.

Warrington recovered quickly and tackled Harry to the ground. Harry grunted at the impact and they rolled, throwing fists and knees. As they fought, he felt his magic get pulled and tangle with what he knew was Malfoy's magic. It was just like on the train and he just let it happen.


Harry heard the shout and saw, just past Warrington, as Ron, the twins, Zabini, and a Slytherin boy he didn't know but frequently saw with Zabini started fighting the rest of the Slytherin team, Hermione and Luna standing off to the side, shouting. He had no time to focus on how the others were fairing in their fights as Warrington got the upper-hand on him and Harry was suddenly being strangled. He gasped for breath and clawed at Warrington's hands, his last night in Privet Drive floating through his mind. He forced himself to focus, gathered his Air Magic, and pushed it out. Warrington flew off of him, hitting the ground hard just beyond where everyone else was fighting.

Harry heaved as air rushed back into his lungs and he rolled over onto his front. Coughing and aching, Harry crawled across the grass to Malfoy, reaching out and grasping the Slytherin's hand once he was close enough. He felt their magic burst as it connected and squeezed Malfoy's hand.

"Draco," Harry said, his throat burning. "Are you—"

"Harry!" Malfoy yelled and Harry whipped around, eyes widening at the Blasting Curse coming towards them. Out of instinct, Harry threw his hand up, palm up, Malfoy doing the same next to him. The curse stopped mid-air, seeming to fizzle out as it hit a shimmering wall. It was made of silver-white threads in a tight weave while blue threads surrounded by water cascaded vertically up and down the weave. Harry stared at the barrier, shocked at what he and Malfoy had created.

"What is this barbarity?" a shrill voice cried and Harry's hand dropped along with Malfoy's, ending their strange shield. All the other fights broke apart and everyone turned to find Umbridge, Snape, and McGonagall hurrying over to them.

"Professors," Harry said, deliberately looking past Umbridge at Snape and McGonagall, "they were attacking Draco. We were just trying to—"

"Use forbidden magic on other students?" Umbridge interrupted.

Harry frowned. "What?"

"From what I can see, it would appear you and your friends were the attackers, Mr. Potter," Umbridge said and Harry gaped. "Using forbidden magic to make it seem you were the victims, were you?"

"Are you blind?" Harry said loudly. "Look at Draco! They attacked him, and we were helping him!"

"I do not believe you, Mr. Potter," Umbridge said and Harry glowered. "Defensive magic is not allowed at Hogwarts. What was that magic you and Mr. Malfoy performed?"

Harry glanced at Malfoy, knowing they had to keep their magic secret, especially from Umbridge. It would only prove Harry was crazy and dangerous.

"It was just a Shielding Charm," Harry said.

"Do not lie to me, Mr. Potter," Umbridge said. "A pity your lessons do not seem to have sunk in. I ask again. What kind of magic was that?"

"It was a Protego," Harry snapped. "You know, one of those things we're supposed to be learning this year? A pity you're the liar and a mad bi—"

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