Chapter 10

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"Thank Merlin!" Harry said loudly in relief as his leg was officially freed. He stayed still long enough for Snape to check that his leg was really healed, but instantly started pacing the study when he was given the all-clear. Three weeks. Three weeks he'd been trapped in that damn cast and unable to walk without that damn crutch. He hopped slightly, bouncing from foot to foot.

"You will still have to be careful for a week or so to allow the bone to fully strengthen without the cast's support," Snape said and Harry grinned when the crutch was banished.

"So, no chasing madmen across Hogwarts' grounds?" Harry joked, temporarily forgetting who he was with in his elation. He remembered quickly, though, when he saw the glare on Snape's face. He stopped walking and bowed his head. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Mr. Malfoy," Snape said, looking over Harry at the other boy leaning in the doorway. Harry turned as well. Malfoy had been silent all morning, a far-off look in his eye and his face blank. He figured Malfoy was still confounded by the entire affair with Dumbledore and was processing the fact that he wasn't back at Malfoy Manor. Harry himself was still trying to understand.

"We will be gone for a few hours. Do try to stay out of trouble while we're gone," Snape said and Harry watched Malfoy's face morph into its first actual expression in hours.

"You're taking Potter with you, so should be easy enough," Malfoy taunted, smirking at Harry.

Harry glowered and was stopped from flinging some awful insult by Snape speaking.

"You are no innocent, Mr. Malfoy, do not pretend to be any better than Potter," Snape said.

Realizing he'd just been insulted again, Harry turned his glare to Snape, joined by Malfoy.

"We will be back for dinner. Make whatever you like for lunch," Snape said and Malfoy just nodded, his arms tight across his chest, shoulder against the door frame, and a glare still on his face. "Come, Potter. We are going to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place," he said clearly to Harry so he could repeat it.

Harry grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace. Determined to never have a repeat of the Diagon Alley-Knockturn Alley incident, he spoke as clearly as possible: "Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place!"

He dropped the powder and spun away, Prince Manor disappearing for the first time in three weeks. He already felt relief at having a break from the place and people. He may not have his uncle to worry about, but he certainly hadn't been relaxed yet that summer. He was starting to notice small aches from being so tense.

The spinning stopped suddenly and he was thrown from the destination fireplace, stumbling and coughing. He was brushing himself off and about to look around when a pair of arms were suddenly around his neck. If Hermione noticed his violent flinch, she didn't react. He managed to start hugging her back after pushing down his panic and spotting Ron over her shoulder. Hermione finally released him just as the fire flared and Snape stepped out.

"Professor," Hermione said quietly.

Snape just sneered at them and swept away, leaving Ron and Hermione to look at Harry in confusion.

"Did you just come here with Snape?" Ron whispered incredulously as though he didn't want anyone to overhear him.

"He's just the one Dumbledore sent to get me," Harry said, remembering the cover story he'd been told he had to tell anyone that asked. No one could know he was staying with Snape, no one could know he knew where Malfoy was, and, for him, at least, no one could know what had happened to make him leave Privet Drive.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and talk," Hermione said and led the way out of the sitting room.

Harry gazed around at the dark and dingy house. It had clearly been cleaned just enough to allow for minimal habitation. They passed what seemed to be a huge portrait covered in thick, black curtains as they headed up a staircase. Harry spotted someone slip into a room at the end of the hall beside the stairs. He looked at his friends questioningly only to have them gesture for him to stay quiet. They ascended the stairs and Harry followed his friends into a small bedroom where Ron appeared to be staying.

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