Chapter 11

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Draco slowly sifted through his trunk, pulling out clothes to arrange in the wardrobe and books to place on the bookcase. His wand was in his pocket and his broom in the corner. It didn't take long and he pushed his now empty trunk under the bed. He sat on the bed, staring down at the singular photo he had of himself with his parents. He'd spotted the photos Potter had and noted the stark contrasts.

He and his parents were the embodiment of pureblood perfection and assumed superiority. They were in all black with tinges of deep green and shiny, expensive silver clasps. Not a single strand of hair was out of place, not a speck of dust seen. They had been photographed from a slight upward angle, causing their eyes to be down as though watching something—or someone—below them. There were no smiles. Narcissa and Lucius stood next to each other, eleven-year-old Draco in front. Narcissa was angled just slightly towards Lucius, her hands clasped in front of her with two large rings on display, each symbolizing her belonging to the Malfoy and Black lines. Lucius held his snake-head cane with one hand while his other rested heavily on Draco's shoulder, his own Malfoy heirloom on display. Draco's arms hung at his sides. At his throat was a silver brooch, a snake wound through an 'M', also a denotation of where he belonged.

He'd never seen a colder picture, a family less happy. He almost shivered as he stared into all the eyes that blinked slowly at the camera; the sharp, cool blue eyes of his mother, the angry hateful grey eyes of his father, and his own grey eyes, haunted and trapped.

He had an overwhelming rage toward them, a sadness for them, yet also an all-consuming guilt for leaving them. It was confusing, hating and fearing them so much, yet almost yearning to return.

He couldn't decide if he wanted to keep the photo or not, so, instead, he just sat there staring at it with a deep frown. He was still there when, a few minutes later, Snape knocked on the door and stood in the doorway.

"Did I successfully retrieve all of your belongings?" Snape asked.

"Yes, sir," Draco said. "You really didn't have to, especially after a...meeting."

"It was no issue, Mr. Malfoy," Snape said dismissively. "It is something I once did often. There was no danger."

"No, but you still had to spend time with them," Draco said, gesturing at the photo and looking at Snape.

"While not a favourite pastime, one I can tolerate when necessary," Snape said and Draco thought he saw the man's lips twitch as though he was amused.

There was no other indication, though, so Draco just looked away, back at the picture. "Did me?" he asked quietly.

"Incessantly," Snape said lightly.

"Anything good?" Draco asked, somewhat bitterly.

"They are...distressed at your absence," Snape said and Draco noticed how the professor chose his words carefully. He looked up at the man again, his face drawn.

"Because they want me or because Voldemort does?" Draco said, watching as Snape crossed his arms and just gazed at him. Draco could almost swear the professor's dark eyes softened and he would've believed it had it been anyone but Snape. "What will happen to them? If I don't go back?"

"They will be punished and lose some rank, but I do not believe they will be killed, if that is what you are worried about," Snape said.

Draco snorted quietly. "Stupid, isn't it? To worry about them?"

"They are still your parents. It is difficult to break such bonds," Snape said and Draco sighed. "Come. It is time for brewing."

Draco nodded and stood. He stared down at the photo yet again before placing it on his bedside table, but facing away. He followed Snape downstairs and towards the back door, but through a door to the right just before the back door. Behind the door was a short set of stairs that led into a large lab. Two long tables were set in the center of the room, each with two stations for brewing and prepping. One wall had a large set of glass cabinets with shelves on either side, all filled with a variety of ingredients. Another wall held different types and sizes of cauldrons as well as other tools and a couple of sinks, one obviously for cauldrons and the other for hands and smaller tools. Stools were at each station, Potter already sitting on one. He sat next to the Gryffindor upon Snape's gesture as the professor stood on the other side of the table.

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