Chapter 3

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Harry stared hard at his chicken salad sandwich and tomato soup, steadfastly refusing to let his eyes wander anywhere lest he looked at Malfoy or Snape. He wasn't sure he'd ever been more uncomfortable in his entire life. The three of them were sitting in a suffocating silence as Harry and Malfoy picked at their lunches. They had both rested in their rooms for a couple of hours before Snape called them down to lunch. The kitchen and dining room were connected in a long, open-concept room, the doors to the left of the staircase Harry had previously noticed being the entrances. There were several windows that let the sunlight pour into the room. They were sat at a smaller rectangle dining table with space enough for six people, eight if they squeezed.

He and Malfoy had glared at each other as they left their rooms and met at the top of the stairs. Malfoy had stalked down the stairs while Harry took the charmed section. Snape had said nothing when they entered the dining room, but just gestured for them to sit. Snape was on the end of the table and they sat in the two spots adjacent to him, across from each other. Once they were settled, Snape had tapped the table and their lunches had appeared in front of them.

The quiet had only grown more and more tense and uncomfortable. Harry was convinced the entire arrangement would never work.

"It is time to go over the expectations for the next three weeks," Snape said and both boys looked at him, hesitantly but still with light glares. "You are here to heal and for us to discover how you Apparated inside the castle. Once these things are completed, you will return to your homes."

Harry swallowed thickly at the thought of returning to Privet Drive. His eyebrows furrowed very slightly when he saw Malfoy's hand clench around his spoon. What was Malfoy's problem with going home?

"Be aware, you will tell me what happened to cause you to be able to Apparate into Hogwarts, even if I have to rip it from your minds myself," Snape threatened.

Harry felt panic at the idea of Snape of all people learning about his life with the Dursleys, but also anger at the man's threat.

"You can't do that!" Malfoy argued, looking just as angry as Harry felt.

Snape turned a dangerous glare on the blonde. It seemed like Malfoy wanted to flinch away at the look, but managed to hold his ground and meet the man's eyes.

"You can always tell me freely, Mr. Malfoy, then it will not be necessary for me to do so," Snape said in a low tone.

"I don't know what Dumbledore thinks you're going to find," Harry said, drawing Snape's hard eyes to himself. "I'm not hiding any secret power."

"Have some respect, Potter," Snape snapped. "While I agree there is nothing remotely remarkable about you and you have only ever proven to be completely useless in all magical areas, the headmaster is a hopeless optimist and there is something that has allowed you to break the castle wards."

Harry felt rage fill him and he clenched his fists. Dumbledore was insane if he thought Harry would tell Snape anything. The professor didn't want to help them. The entire arrangement would just give Snape the chance to torture them, maybe even give Harry over to Voldemort like the Death Eater he was.

"I do not want to see you outside of meals, treating your injuries, or questioning you about what you're hiding. Additionally, I cannot trust you to not cause utter destruction in my home," Snape said. "As such, you will remain in your rooms at all times except for these instances."

Harry couldn't help but gape while Malfoy was the one to grow outraged.

"You can't keep us locked away!" Malfoy said angrily, almost shouting. Harry had noticed the way the Slytherin's voice cracked and turned hoarse quickly over the last few days, and absently wondered what had happened. He'd hardly taken the time to wonder what had happened to Malfoy and why he'd also appeared at Hogwarts, not that he truly cared.

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