Chapter 45

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Note: I made up the store "Crystallized".


[Latin] Frater = Brother
[Latin] Centrum Ominum = Center of All


"You are to stay within Alexei's sight at all times, understood?" Snape instructed as he walked behind Harry and Draco as they led the way to the Entrance Hall. "If I hear a single word from Alexei that you disobeyed, I promise you will not leave the castle walls until June."

Harry glanced at Draco, wary of the fact that it was not an empty threat.

"Boys," Snape said warningly behind them.

"Yes, sir," they echoed together.

As they reached the stairs that would take them up to the Entrance Hall, a hand landed lightly on his shoulder and Harry turned around with Draco. They looked up at Snape as the man glanced around to ensure they were alone.

"I want you to enjoy yourselves, but I also want you safe," Snape implored. "Just, for once, spare my sanity and don't be reckless."

Harry and Draco laughed quietly and nodded.

"Yes, sir," they repeated.

Snape sighed, clearly regretting agreeing to let them go to the village and wanting to retract his permission.

"Very well. Go, before I change my mind," Snape told them.

"Bye!" Harry and Draco chorused with large smiles, and they dashed up the stairs.

At the top, they found the crowd of students heading to the village milling around excitedly as McGonagall, Flitwick, Sinistra, and Alexei scanned through their list of permissions. Harry spotted Ron and Hermione, staring at them awkwardly. It had been three weeks since he spoke to them last when he accidentally revealed his situation with Snape. He refused to make the first move at reconciliation. If they couldn't accept what he had with Snape and Draco, then they obviously didn't care about him as much as he'd thought. If they could deny him the one thing he'd always wanted simply because they didn't understand...

He turned away from them and followed Draco over to Luna, Blaise, and Daphne. It was only a few minutes later that McGonagall called for everyone to being making their way to Hogsmeade, and Harry followed the crowd with the others. They chatted enthusiastically as they walked, wrapping cloaks and scarves around themselves tightly as a sharp winter wind blew. Harry could feel Alexei following behind them, close enough to keep them in view, but still at enough of a distance to not be hovering. While he couldn't forget the vampire was there, the distance allowed Harry to push the fact aside and just enjoy being in Hogsmeade with his friends like a normal student.

Harry, Draco, and the others ducked into various shops, sometimes purchasing something, sometimes not. A lot of last-minute Christmas shopping seemed to be taking place amongst the students since Winter Break had, technically, officially started. The previous day had been the last day of classes and any students returning home would be on the train tomorrow. With Christmas in a week, that last Hogsmeade trip was the last chance to get missing gifts.

Eventually, Blaise and Daphne split off to Tomes and Scrolls while Harry, Draco, and Luna headed to Crystallized, Alexei still trailing behind. Inside was like stepping into a diamond cave, glittery and sparkly with the gems and crystals. Strange and ethereal instruments dotted shelves and a small fountain with a unicorn sat in the center of the shop's foyer, water glittering with what seemed to be magical threads pouring from the tip of its horn.

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