Chapter 8

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Severus sighed as he gazed out the large window and sipped his wine. He couldn't settle his mind. He still could hardly believe the magical discoveries made in Potter and Malfoy. For the both of them to have such rare and powerful magic was amazing. Then there was the overwhelming guilt and blame both boys clearly had over their abuse. Both were in complete denial; Potter called it punishment and Malfoy called it training. Finally, there was what had happened with Potter earlier that day. It had not sounded like a normal dream. He hadn't been surprised when both boys fell asleep during their psuedo-meditation. However, he had been startled when Potter suddenly began to scream. Malfoy had been startled awake and stared at Potter in horror, eventually leaving the sofa to give Potter space. Severus hadn't known what to do except to try and wake Potter. It had taken several long minutes while the agonized screams continued, pulling at something deep inside him.

The obvious pain Potter had been in upon waking had also greatly concerned him, especially when two Pain Relievers seemed to have little effect. Then Potter had told them what he'd dreamed, what he'd seen. What had Potter experienced? How was it possible?

He took another sip of his wine. He wasn't sure he could do it, take care of the two boys. He wasn't the best choice for helping deal with trauma, incredible magic, and strange visions from a dark lord. While he'd felt a lessening in his hate of Potter and Malfoy as he got more inklings of their childhoods, it was still very slight. He had absolutely no desire to form any kind of relationship with either teen beyond student and teacher. Additionally, they were all putting themselves at such risk that summer. Any relationship other than hated students and teacher would be far too dangerous for all of them, considering their individual roles.

He pinched between his eyes as he felt a minor pounding in his skull. He just didn't know what to think or do about it all. He spun when he heard a small sound and found Potter hovering awkwardly in the library doorway.

"Potter, you should be in bed," Severus said, absently noting the tattered and hideous shirt and pants the boy was wearing as pajamas.

"Sorry, sir, I just...I couldn't sleep," Potter said, adjusting the crutch under his arm to be more comfortable. "I'll go back to bed."

"No, Potter, come sit," Severus said. He saw a bit of surprise on the boy's face and watched Potter limp to one of the armchairs by the fireplace. He moved to sit on the end of the sofa furthest from Potter, resting his wineglass on the sofa arm. "I assume these wanderings are common?"

Potter looked at him and he could see suspicion in the green eyes. Eventually the boy just shrugged, turning his gaze back to the empty fireplace.

"Do you dream of your relatives often?" Severus asked, knowing both Potter and Malfoy had terrible nightmares nearly every night.

Potter shot him a guarded glare. "I'm not talking about them."

"Why is that?" Severus asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

"There's nothing to talk about," Potter said and Severus rolled his eyes to himself.

"Do you think me an imbecile, Potter?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, just a bastard that's looking for more things to use against me," Potter snapped and Severus felt his anger rise at the tone, insult, and implication. He took a large drink of wine and blew out a deep breath to remain calm.

"I asked you and Malfoy earlier, have I hurt you since you've been here?" Severus said.

Potter's glare was downright hateful. "You don't have to hit me to hurt me."

Severus found himself stunned at Potter's clear reference to his verbal comments over the years. He didn't think Potter cared enough about how Severus treated him to be hurt by the things he'd said. Sure, he knew he was vicious to his students, particularly Potter, but the Gryffindor had always fought back and responded with his own anger and hatred. Their volatile relationship had always been reciprocal. Had his treatment actually bothered Potter, upset him?

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