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Nora was waiting for her parents to pick her up from school when Seungmin, her best friend walked up to her. "Jieun, why have you been avoiding me?" Seungmin looked into his best friends eyes. "I didn't mean to avoid you, sorry." Nora bit the inside of her cheek. "Is this because of what I said last week?" Seungmin looked down. "Please tell me, is something wrong?" His eyes softened. "I'm sorry, but.. I'm moving away." Her voice trembled. Seungmin stared at her as he clenched his book bag, "Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking..." He bit his lip trying to hold in emotions. She tried to say something but a lump was caught in her throat. Tears fell down Nora's face and ran away from him. Seungmin went to reach for her but he wouldn't move. He couldn't believe his one and only best friend was leaving him. How is he going to be able to live on without her?

The Week Before

Seungmin waited for Nora to get out of class. He saw her exit her class and ran up to her. "Hey, Ji. Can I talk to you?" Seungmin grabbed her hand. She hummed and followed him. "What is it, Min?" Nora said as she fixed her bag on her shoulder. "I like you, Jieun." He admitted. Nora looked up at him and laughed. "Is this a prank? If it is, it's not funny Seungmin. You know that I'm sensitive." Seungmin took her hand, "I do like you, I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. I promise." Nora looked at his hand before looking up into his eyes. "Seungmin, I-" Nora was cut off by her older brother grabbing her hand away. "Why are you holding my sister's hand?" Jeongin glared at Seungmin. "Oh, I was just telling her something-but it's not really any of your business, is it?" Seungmin stared Jeongin dead in the eyes. Jeongin lifted up his hand to hit Seungmin but Nora grabbed his arm. "Oppa! Don't you dare-" Jeongin yanked his arm back and slapped Nora. "I'm your older brother, don't you EVER tell me what to do." Jeongin snapped. Nora held her cheek and stared at him. "What is wrong with you, Jeongin? She didn't do anything wrong." Seungmin stepped in front of Nora. "Back off, Seungmin. You don't get to say anything about this, she's my sister. Not yours." Jeongin pushed Seungmin out of the way and grabbed Nora's arm. "Don't ever come near my sister again, or I will kill you." Jeongin scolded Seungmin as he pulled Nora along with him.

Nora jerked her arm back. "You're such a jerk, Jeongin oppa! I hate you!" Jeongin huffed and took his phone out. "I'm calling eomma, I don't want you hanging out with him anymore. He's 2 years older than you, I don't need you getting hurt. Plus you can't start a relationship that won't last if we're moving." Nora looked at him, "What do you mean moving!?" Jeongin dialed their mother's number and called her. "Eomma, I need you to pick up Nora from school. Also, why didn't you tell Nora we were moving?" Jeongin asked. Nora only heard mumbling from the phone. After Jeongin hung up the phone, Nora started walking away from him. "Yah, where are you going?" Jeongin walked after her. "Don't touch me. Don't even come near me, all you do is ruin my life, Jeongin. I hate you." Nora pushed him away and ran back home.

The Airport

Nora was sitting and waiting for the airplane to arrive with her parents, except Jeongin. "Eomma, why didn't you tell me oppa was staying? This isn't fair! I want to stay.." Nora complained after her mother explained that Jeongin wasn't joining them in the states. "Yang Nora. I told you, he wanted to be a trainee and they accepted his application. You're too young too stay, just trust me. This is what's best for you." Nora thought this wasn't fair at all! Do you think it's unfair?

(A/N) Yeah, I will probably publish this story, after I'm done with it, so I hope you enjoy it when I publish it! Have a great day, and tell me how it went!
- Author-nim<3

(A/N) Yeah, I will probably publish this story, after I'm done with it, so I hope you enjoy it when I publish it! Have a great day, and tell me how it went!- Author-nim<3

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Have a baby Minho! He's so precious!

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