Chapter 13

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(A/N lol I forgot to say happy 6th Stray Kids anniversary yesterday. I hope you all are having a great spring break, so I hope it keeps going well.)

Seungmin was lying in bed, thinking about his proposal. He knew he wanted to do it, and that it should be the right idea, but what if Nora declines? Why would she, though? They both love each other dearly, and they're expecting a child within the next few months. Nora had walked into the room, holding up a small blanket that looked a bit old. "Hey, Min. Do you think that Eunji would love this blanket? It was mine when I was a baby." Nora smiled as she folded it back up. "Of course, she would. I love it. It looks perfect for her." Seungmin smiled as he looked over to her. She walked over to him and sat next to him then leaned against him. "Do you ever regret waiting for me?" Nora asked, quickly changing the feeling of the room. "No, never. I would do it all over again." Seungmin ran his hand up her back and rubbed it. "This is why. This right here is why I love you." Nora smiled as she crawled into the bed next to Seungmin. "I love you too jagi. No matter what.." Seungmin said as he kissed her forehead. She hummed as she covered herself in his arms.

The Next Day, aka their anniversary.

Seungmin had put on his blazer then wrapped his tie around his neck when Jisung frantically started knocking on the front door. Seungmin opened the door as he was trying to fix his tie. "What, Jisung? Why are you here?" Seungmin rolled his eyes as he set his eyes upon his friend. "The reservation... Someone else paid more for it and... Well y'know what that means.." Jisung looked down, hoping his stressed friend wouldn't yell. "Oh, my god. As if this day couldn't get any worse..." Seungmin said as his phone started ringing. Could it get worse? Seungmin answered the phone and it was Jeongin. "Uh, it's raining and I don't think it'll be best if you guys come all the way over to Busan..." Jeongin sighed as Seungmin could hear the rain through the phone. "Are you serious.. Why is this not going my way, today? I planned this for TWO WEEKS." Seungmin pulled his tie off and collapsed onto the couch, letting out a big groan. Jisung followed him and frowned. "Do you not have any backup plans?" Jisung asked. "No, I didn't expect this to happen. Now, I have no idea what to do. It was supposed to be perfect.. I can't just propose without something nice..." Seungmin muttered as he covered his eyes. "Wait, propose? You were planning on proposing? Oh, we definitely need to fix this– how about this? Minho can lend out his guest house, it's like a restaurant. He has cooks, and other people. How about that?" Jisung looked to Seungmin and asked. "I don't want to feel like burden.. I can't ask of that. I wouldn't ask of it either. So no, I'll figure something out." Seungmin frowned. "No, you took care of me when I was in a low point in life and you let me live with you. It's the least I can do." Jisung insisted. "No, Jisung. I won't do it, and I don't want to involve Minho. End of discussion." Seungmin stood up and lifted Jisung out of his seat. "Seungmin–" Jisung tried to say but was pushed out of the apartment. He closed the door then sighed, he walked over to his bedroom and saw Nora sitting on the bed, on the phone. "Listen Jeongin, I'll talk to you later." Nora said as she set her phone down and opened her arms up. Seungmin walked over to her and hugged her as she hugged him. "Today is not going well, jagi.." He frowned. "I know.. You had a lot of things planned.. Everything isn't going well for you." Nora rubbed his back. He pulled away and gave a small smile. "How about I make us some food? Just change into something really comfortable." Seungmin released his grip from his girlfriend. He walked out of the room then slid off his blazer and walked into the kitchen. "Maybe.. Maybe I can stillbgo with my plan, I just need it to be a good moment.. After eating.. No, when she wouldn't expect it.. Yeah." Seungmin thought to himself and grabbed a pan.

He set the food on the table as he called Nora to come out of the room. Nora walked out of the room in leggings and a oversized shirt, that may or may not be Seungmin's. "Wah.. It looks really good!" Nora smiled as she saw the food. "Seems like you want the food more than me. I wouldn't blame you either... I am a great cook, so the food will taste so good." Seungmin chuckled as he pulled out Nora's chair. She sat down and stared at the food as she licked her lips. He quickly pushed her chair in and went to his. "Enjoy the food! I hope you like it.." Seungmin picked up his chopsticks and picked up some kimchi.(I am so sorry, I know a lot of Korean dishes but I went the basic one..) Nora took a few bites of the food and smiled. "It's really good. You should cook more often, except for breakfast.." Nora laughed and continued to stuff her face. Seungmin smiled as he thought. "Hey, jagi? Do you like my apartment?" Seungmin asked. "Yeah," Nora answered, not understanding why he randomly asked. "Do you like me?" Seungmin asked as he set his chopsticks down. "Of course, I do." Nora answered again but this time she stopped eating. "Are you happy with me?" Seungmin asked again. "Yeah.." Nora looked up at Seungmin. He reached his hand out and moved her hand under his hand. "How much do you love me? As much as you'd want to marry me?" Seungmin smirked. "I– I love you a lot, and yeah.. I guess." Nora scratched her head, now wondering where this is going. "Now let me ask you a question.." Seungmin started to say. "Then what we're you just asking? Were those not questions?" Nora scoffed and laughed. Seungmin smiled and said the words. "This question is different.. Will you marry me?" Nora's jaw dropped as Seungmin opened his hand as a ring fell into her palm. "Oh, my god.. Kim Seungmin, are you serious? You're not messing with me?" Nora pulled her hand back and examined the ring. "Nooo, I'm not serious, I just bought you an expensive engagement ring just to joke around? Of course, I'm serious! I want you to be with me for the rest of my life, I love you more than anything else in the world..other than our unborn child." Seungmin stated. "I love you too...and of course, I'll marry you. I'd marry you a thousand times over!" Nora smiled as she got up from her seat and walked over to Seungmin then hugged him. He hugged her back and kissed her.

(A/N tbh I'd marry Seungmin a thousand times over as well.... 🤭)

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