Chapter 11

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Nora was pacing her self as she had just made a huge mistake. She was waiting for Seungmin to come home but she was so scared to see how he'd react. She soon heard the door unlock and emerged Seungmin. He kicked off his shoes then saw his girlfriend who looked stressed. "Hey, Nora? What's up?" Seungmin greeted her. "I called your dad-" Nora began but Seungmin interrupted. "You did what- what were you thinking? What if he does something to you? Wait, how did he react?" Seungmin questioned. "Uh, well? He said he wants to meet up.." Nora looked down. "Jesus, Nora! Why would you call him, you know how I feel about him!" Seungmin made an exasperated sigh. Nora wanted to say something but didn't want to anger him more than he already was. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you.." Nora apologized. "Aish.. I'm heading to Jisung's. I'll be back later." Seungmin slid his shoes back on. Nora sat on the couch, feeling guilty.

Minho's house

Seungmin knocked on the front door, awaiting Jisung to open the door. He didn't exactly inform Jisung he was coming so... Minho opened the door, without a shirt. "Uh, hello?" Minho waved as he covered his chest. "I'm here to see Jisung." Seungmin responded. "Um, he's not able to see you, yet.." Minho chuckled. "Why, not? What's wrong with him now?" Seungmin sighed. "He's not dressed at the moment- if you know, what I mean." Minho ruffled his hair as he answered. Seungmin was shocked. "Oh- uh, well I'll just go th-" "No, it's fine. You can just wait in the living space." Minho moved to the side as he waved for him to come inside. Seungmin hesitated to go inside but he went in. As Minho was about to close the door he heard someone yell. "DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR HYUNG!!!" A familiar voice yelled to Minho. Minho groaned as he just walked back upstairs and let the guy let himself into the home. Yongbok walked inside the home and saw Seungmin so he waved to him. "Hi, I'm Lee Yongbok, who are you?" Yongbok smiled. "Kim Seungmin, a friend of Minho's boyfriend, Jisung. Are you his brother?" Seungmin asked as the big nodded. "So, why are you here?" Yongbok asked as he jumped onto the couch. "Uh, to talk to Jisung. I have to relieve some steam." Seungmin answered as he sat on the opposite side of the couch. "I could help if you want. Just tell me!" Yongbok smiled again. "Uh, well my girlfriend told my father that she's pregnant and now he wants to meet up with us. My father and I aren't on good terms either so I kind of yelled at her." Seungmin responded. "Reasons why I am gay. If I was straight, I would already have so many kids." Yongbok laughed. Seungmin got just a little uncomfortable, that was more information he wanted to know. "Anyway, if she's pregnant, did you think of her feelings? Aren't females feelings heightened when pregnant? What if she just wanted you to have a better relationship with your father and if she wanted the baby to have a relationship with it's grandpa?" Yongbok asked as if he was a therapist. "I didn't even give her the chance to give me an explanation.. I'm such a jerk.. Listen I need to go, I need to fix something." Seungmin stood up now knowing what to do.

(A/N I am saur sorry for these place skips 💀)

Seungmin's apartment

"Nora! I'm back, and I want to apologize." Seungmin started to say but he heard nothing in the apartment. He took his phone out and checked if he got any messages, he had one from Nora.

Hey, Seungmin. I am sorry for calling your dad but I didn't want him to come to the apartment so I went to go meet up with him. You can come if you want. We're going to be at xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxx Seungmin went to that place.

Seungmin saw his father, Nora, Woosung and surprisingly Jeongin. "What the hell? What are all doing here?" Seungmin walked up behind Nora and rested his hands on her shoulders. Jeongin went to say something but Seungmin's father hushed him. "I am very disappointed that you didn't tell me that you're expecting a child, but the thing I am very very betrayed about is how you tried to take my son away from me." He started to say. "Is that my fault? You don't even care about him and I didn't want to tell you about the baby because you would've probably done something!" Seungmin retorted. "Hyung.. Calm down.. We're in public." Jeongin stood up and patted his shoulder. "Jeongin, what if he tried to pay you guys off to leave and never done back? He has the resources to pay so much money!" Seungmin held his fist in his other hand. His anger was boiling inside him. "That wouldn't happen, I would never separate a family, Seungmin. Do you really think that low of me?" His father asked. "Yes, actually. I don't know you anymore, you're not my father. I don't want you in my life nor my child's." Seungmin made Nora stand up and was about to pull her away but she stopped. "Kim Seungmin. Sit down, and apologize. He is still your father, I don't care if you don't want him in the baby's life but I do. He's the only grand parent she has." Nora crossed her arms. Finally girl is standing her ground. "Did you just say.. She?" Seungmin stuttered. "Yes, now sit down." Nora ordered. Seungmin sat down and huffed. "Say sorry. Now." "I'm sorry." Nora smiled and sat back down.
The whole rest of the dinner was them fixing their father and son relationship. Boring.

A/N tbh I want to finish this story soon by only having at least 20 parts idk how many chapters that is but I kinda am getting bored with this story. Sorry. Well bye good my loves.
- A<3

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