Chapter 10

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Jeongin and Seungmin had gotten closer all because of Nora's pregnancy. "Seungmin, where are you?" Nora asked over the phone. "Uh, I'm hanging out with someone.. Why?" Seungmin answered suspiciously. "Who? Do I know them?" Nora asked. To be honest, Nora had gotten clingier as one of her side effects, so sometimes Seungmin would want to get away. "I'm with Jeongin." Seungmin sighed. "What are you guys doing?" Nora huffed, feeling lonely without her boyfriend. "At his house, having a few drinks." Seungmin admitted. "Why couldn't you do that here? Plus you've been spending so much time with him. Is he your new best friend?" Nora whined as she felt jealous of her own brother. She heard the phone moving around, "Nora, please call back later, k? Seungmin will be home later!" Jeongin spoke into the phone as he hung up. Nora pouted and crossed her arms. "You need to stop being so clingy, Seungmin is getting annoyed with it, y'know." Jisung spoke out as he sat next to Nora on the couch. "I'm not being clingy, Jisung, and he isn't annoyed with me.." Nora looked down. "Don't lie to yourself. Just admit it, you know it too." Jisung leaned into the couch as he looked over at Nora. Nora couldn't blame Jisung for telling her the truth, but he didn't know how easy her emotions could change, all because he still didn't know she was pregnant. Nora stood up and looked back at Jisung. "I'm going to the room, bye." Nora huffed as she walked back to the room.

Jeongin's house

Jeongin took a sip of his soju and chuckles. "Are you guys going to have a baby shower? Or do you think it's tacky?" Seungmin shook his head, "Nora hasn't said anything, I wouldn't mind one though." Seungmin admitted as he finished the rest of his soju. "Ah, okay. Have you told your dad that you're having a kid?" Jeongin asked as he moved his position towards Seungmin. "No, he doesn't need to know, plus if he knew he would actually disown me." Seungmin stood up and leaned to grab another bottle of soju. "Oh, is it because you guys aren't married or something else?" Jeongin said as he was now curious. "That and he went through so much work to just get us separated so we wouldn't be together, and now we're having a kid? He'll have a heart attack." Seungmin chuckled a bit. Jeongin stared at Seungmin, he was in utter shock on his father acted. "What's wrong with your father? What about Woosung? Is he going to live the same way as you did as a kid?" Jeongin wondered. "To be honest, I don't know. Remember I told you that Nora wanted me to get custody of him? Well I don't know if I'll be able to because we're already expecting a kid, and I don't think I'll be able to take care of a baby and a 5 year old. It's too much." Seungmin sighed as he did want to take his brother from his father. "What if I take him? I mean, I know he's not related to me whatsoever but I could do you the favor." Jeongin said as he saw Seungmin's eyes widen as he took a drink from his soju. "Wh-what? I couldn't ask you that, you're an idol, plus do you think you'll be able to take care of a child?" Seungmin set his drink down. "I've been an idol for 6 years, my contract is about to end and I've always wanted to take care of a child. I don't mind doing it, Seungmin. I really don't." Jeongin smiled and patted his shoulder. "It will be difficult, though.. Since you aren't related to him, they might be very against it." Seungmin groaned. "It's okay, it'll be okay if we do it together, right? You can be my lawyer or something?" Jeongin smile turned to a nervous one. Seungmin could be his laser because he had a law degree.

At Seungmin's apartment

"Jagi, I'm home!" Seungmin announced as he kicked off his shoes and saw Jisung waiting on the couch with his bags packed. "Jisung? What's going on?" Seungmin furrowed his brows. "Well, it's quite obvious. I'm moving out, I am going to be moving into Minho's. He insisted it would be better, since you guys are having a child and it's not a great idea of me being here since you clearly didn't think to tell me you're having a kid. That's real nice of you, Seungmin, I thought I was your best friend, but you didn't even tell me the most important thing in the world." Jisung frowned as he felt betrayed by his friend for not telling him. "Jisung.. I'm sorry, I was going to tell you, I was waiting for a good time.." Seungmin walked towards Jisung as he looked away. "You still should've told me, like what if something happened to Nora and I didn't know what was wrong. I already made her feel sad because I didn't know by calling her too clingy!" Jisung covered his face with his palms. "Aish.. I'm sorry, let me make it up to you? I promise I'll take you some where nice. I just need to deal with Nora.." Seungmin turned as he saw Jisung shoo him away. Seungmin walked into his room and saw Nora on the bed. "Nora.. Are you awake..?" Seungmin inched closer. "Mhm, what is it, Seungmin?" Nora answered as she turned over to to see him on the edge of the bed. She sat up and scooted closer to him, "hey, what's wrong?" Nora asked. "Nothing." Seungmin answered as he turned to face her. "Then what is it?" Nora pouted. "I know that you think you're too clingy, but I won't deny it, you are. But, I love that, it helps me get closer to you. I just sometimes need some space, like today. I needed some time to myself, do you understand?" Seungmin sighed as he looked up at his girlfriend. "Oh.. Okay.. I und-understand.." Nora nodded as she laid back down. He could feel that she was sad but at the se time she understood him. Seungmin laid next to her and held her close as he caressed her back. They fell asleep.

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