Chapter 1

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Seungmin was sitting in his office, drinking his iced americano. He was waiting for his friend Jisung to join him for a meeting. He soon heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Seungmin answered as he sipped his americano. A girl entered the room and bowed. "Hello, sajang-nim!" The girl nervously smiled. He motioned for her to sit down. "Are you looking for the assistant job?" Seungmin asked as he crossed his legs. "Yes, I am. Is it still available?" Seungmin nodded then asked her a series of questions. "How many languages do you speak?" She thought for a second, "Korean, English, French, Spanish and Japanese!" The girl smiled. Seungmin's eyes widened, "You seen like a good fit already!" Seungmin chuckled. "What's your name?" Seungmin asked. "Yang Jieun, but you can call me, Nora" Nora gave a cheeky smile. "Good to know. I'm Kim Seungmin." He reached his hand out. She took his hand and shook it. "Welcome to Kim Incorporated." He smirked. "When do I start?" Nora asked all giddy. "Can you start on Wednesday?" Seungmin asked as he took out a folder. "I can do that!" Nora smiled as she saw his face get serious as he wrote in the folder. "Quick things to ask to make sure this is you. Yang Jieun, mostly known as Nora. Age 21, has an older brother. Lived in the States for most of your adolescence?" Seungmin lifted his glasses up, then read and looked up at her. "Yes, all of that is correct, but you forgot to add my parents died when I was 19, and that I have no contact with my brother." Nora corrected. "Oh... My condolences, are you okay?" Seungmin set his glasses down. "Yes, it happened 3 years ago. I am perfectly fine, thank you." Nora replied with a soft tone. "Ah, okay. We are done with this interview. See you tomorrow, Nora." Seungmin got up and led her to the door. "See you tomorrow, sajang-nim." Nora smiled one last time then left the office. He closed the door and sat back down. "Aish.. Where is Jisung?" Seungmin questioned himself. Jisung bursted through the door. "I'M HERE, TRAFFIC WAS A PAIN. I'M SORRY!" Jisung exclaimed. Seungmin slapped his head. "Sit down, my God.." Seungmin motioned to the chair. Jisung hurried and sat on the chair. "I think Hyunjin is dating someone. He's been so distant lately, he's even been avoiding me!" Jisung complained. "This is what was so important that you needed to tell me?" Seungmin sighed. "Uh, yes. Maybe, I have something to ask you.' Jisung smirked. "What is it, Jisung-ah?" Seungmin put his glasses on and crossed his legs. "Did your childhood best friend have a older brother?" Jisung asked. Seungmin looked at Jisung, "Yes, she did. We hated each other." Seungmin frowned. Jisung's eyes widened. "I think I've met her brother. Was his name.. Yang Jeongin?" Jisung questioned as he scratched his head. Seungmin stood up, "How did you meet him?" Jisung stood up and smiled. "How much are we talking, Kim Seungmin?" Seungmin groaned and grabbed his wallet and took out 1 million Won. "This enough?" Seungmin put the money in his friends hand. "I met him at his concert. He's an idol. His name is i.2.n.8, he's 23. I can show you a photo we took together. Maybe you'll recognise him?" He started taking out his phone and showed him the photo.


Liked by Hh

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Liked by Hh.enthusiest, i.2.n.8 and 2,500,374 other people.

@i.2.n.8 Thanks for the free concert tickets!

Seungmin punched his friends shoulder, "That's him! How did you even get the tickets? You're broke until I give you money." Jisung clearly offended, scoffed. "Hyunjin knows him, so he gave him the tickets. He has another concert, maybe you want to come with me?" Jisung gave a gummy smile. "When is it? Do I have to pay for the tickets?" Seungmin lifted his glasses up on to his head. "Friday, at 6pm. I'll pay for the tickets! Dress like a normal person?" Jisung pleaded. "I always dress normal, what are you talking about?" Seungmin pouted.
His outfit he was wearing

 His outfit he was wearing

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Jisung rolled his eyes. "You don't have ANY fashion sense. I dress better than you, and not on purpose!" Jisung laughed. "You have a best friend who has great fashion sense. You're like my only friend, and I'm not going to hire a stylist. It's a waste of money." Jisung looked at Seungmin, "If you don't come to the concert with a decent outfit, we are no longer friends." Jisung threatened. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Only thing you have to worry about is, hope that I don't have any meetings that day." Seungmin smiled. Jisung sighed, "Just be there, alright?" Seungmin hummed and pushed his friend out of the office.

The Next Day٭

Seungmin rolled out of his bed and rubbed his eyes. "Another day of bossing people around..great!" Seungmin groaned as he walked out of his bedroom. "Mr. Kim, you need to pay me." Ms. Anha, the housekeeper spoke. Seungmin cursed himself, and put on a fake smile. "Right, I'll have the money with you by tonight." Ms. Anha bowed and went back to cleaning. Seungmin went back to his room and entered his closet. He put on a white work shirt and put a black blazer on over. Seungmin put his tie on and had struggles tying it at first but he successfully tied it correctly. He combed his hair and sprayed his favorite calogne, Bleu de Chanel. He slipped on his shoes and grabbed his things.

*photo for thought*Seungmin had arrived at his office

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*photo for thought*
Seungmin had arrived at his office. He looked around as he saw his employees bowing and greeting him. "Annyeonghaseyo, sajang-nim!" He heard a girl speak out as she handed a coffee to him. "Hello, assistant Yang! Oh, thank you for the coffee." He greeted her with a warm smile and took the coffee. "You'll need it, you have a scheduled meeting later in the day." Nora looked at her watch. "With who?" Seungmin asked as he sipped his coffee before making a disgusted face. "Uh.. Mr. Lee Minho, the CEO of Lee Entertainment." Nora rummaged through the file in her hands. "What type of coffee is this?" Seungmin tossed the coffee in the trash. "Oh... Decaf, is there a specific coffee you drink?" Nora bit her lip as she saw the coffee she spent 2,600 won on get dumped into the trash bin. "I drink iced americano. Just remember that for next time." Seungmin gave a soft smile. Nora nodded and walked ahead of him. She opened his office door and walked inside. Seungmin arrived after her. "Jisung, relax. I'll be there, it was a dream. I didn't leave you in the crowd, it hasn't even happened yet. Listen I need to go. Talk to you later." Seungmin said as he hung up. Nora closed the door and walked over to her small desk. She started to write business things.

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