Chapter 9

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3 weeks later bc why not

Seungmin was in the kitchen putting cereal in a bowl, waiting for Nora to wake up when he got a call from an unknown number. He answered, "hello?" He answered. "I want to meet up. Meet me at your office, don't tell Nora." The person said. Seungmin was appalled with who called him. He would never think that they would call him. He got ready and grabbed his keys. "Should I really not tell her..?" Seungmin thought to himself. He shook his head and left the apartment.

At his office

Seungmin pushed open the door of his office and saw Jeongin sitting in a chair. "What do you want? Didn't you say you never wanted to see me ever again?" Seungmin scoffed as he sat at his desk. "Nora called me crying. I want to know what you did." Jeongin said with a hint of anger. "Wait, crying? When? Why would she be crying.." Seungmin asked. "Two days ago, I didn't want to care at first but then I couldn't stop thinking so now I think you have something to do with it." Jeongin crossed his arms. "I didn't even know she cried. She would've told me, we don't keep things from each other.. Why would she call you?" Seungmin asked now getting sad. "Shouldn't you know why she cried? You guys live together and why wouldn't she call me, I'm still her brother." Jeongin growled. "Hold on." Seungmin said as he took his phone out and dialed Nora's number. She answered after the 6th dial. "Yeah, babe?" Nora answered. "Why we're you crying two days ago? What happened?" Seungmin asked with worry in his voice. ".. How did you find out about that? You weren't home." Nora said as her voice quieted down. "So it's true. Tell me what's wrong." Seungmin demanded. "Don't just demand that, be gentle with her, jeez." Jeongin snapped. "Was brother? Why are you guys together?" Nora asked. "No, it wasn't your brother, you're hearing things. Just tell me what happened." Seungmin sighed. "No, I'm not going to tell you, where are you?" Nora asked as he could hear her ruffling through the phone. "I'm at my office, but I'll be home soon." Seungmin answered. "Are you dumb, you just told her where we are and now she's going to come here!" Jeongin whisper-yelled. Nora hung up and Seungmin slapped his head. "Sorry." He bowed in his chair. "Whatever. I might as well ask, how are you guys?" Jeongin asked. "We're fine, she loves my little brother. She's trying to get me to get custody of him because my father doesn't care about him." Seungmin admitted. "Oh, I know I'm going to regret asking this you guys want kids?" Jeongin shook his head as he spoke. "We've never had that talk yet, but I wouldn't mind having a kid." Seungmin leaned into his chair. "Hm.. So am I expecting a niece or nephew?" Jeongin laughed. They were actually bonding. "I don't think so- oh crap, actually maybe." Seungmin slapped his head. "Wait, what do you mean, maybe?" Jeongin sat clearly. "Uh, you don't want to know." Seungmin scratched his neck. "Ew, you guys slept together? Yuck, I did not want to think of that." Jeongin frowned. "At least you didn't walk in on it like someone." Seungmin laughed. "Someone walked in on yous guys do it! Couldn't be me, I would have made sure to lock the door." Jeongin chuckled. "That's what he sai-" Seungmin was about to say but Nora barged into his office. "Liar! You both are here, together!" Nora huffed as she probably just ran up 5 flights of stairs. "Uh, hello to you too." Jeongin laughed. "What are you doing here?" Nora crossed her arms and scoffed. "Talking to Seungmin, what else?" Jeongin swiveled the chair around to face her. "You told him I called you. How else would he know I was crying! Why'd you tell him!" Nora yelled. "I was worried and you wouldn't answer me when I said what's wrong. So I had no other choice but asking him." Jeongin answered. "He doesn't even know, there was no point in asking him." Nora sighed. "Exactly, I don't know either. So tell us both, we're both listening, Nora." Seungmin insisted as he was upset that she kept something from him. "Uh, but I don't want to. Can't I just wait until I'm ready?" Nora asked. "Not if you cried over it, so tell us." Seungmin gave her a stare. "Can't I just tell you? I'm not ready to tell Jeongin.." Nora looked down. Seungmin looked to Jeongin, "out, just stay outside for a second." Seungmin ordered. Jeongin stood up, "I didn't even want to be here anyways." He walked out of the office and kept his ear to the door. "What is it, jagi? What did you cry over?" Seungmin sighed. "I, uh. I went to the hospital to other day to get a check up and something unexpected showed up on a test." Nora began to say. "Are you dying? Do you have cancer? I swear if you're dying and decided not to te-" tears ran down her face and admitted, "I'm.. I'm pregnant, Seungmin..." Nora looked down as Seungmin stood up and walked over to her. "Is it mine? I'm going to be a dad? Are you serious?" Seungmin asked. "Noo, it's not yours, it's Jisung's right?" Nora scoffed as she looked up at Seungmin. They both heard Jeongin yell from outside the door, "I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE, AND I'M GOING TO KILL KIM SEEEUUUUNGMIIIIIIIIIN, OOOOHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!" Jeongin harmonized with himself. "Why we're you crying about this, jagi..?" Seungmin asked immediately forgetting what Jeongin just yelled. "I.. I didn't think you'd want it.. We've never discussed this before.." Nora admitted as she wiped her tears. "Of course I would want the baby.. It's literally my baby, I would never not want this.. I love you.." Seungmin hugged her. "I love you too.." Nora hugged back.

A/N tbh this was a filler/important chapter ig, I kinda just want to finish this book so I can co rinue writing my Hyunjin book... Sorry
- A <3

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