Chapter 4

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It had been a month since Seungmin and Nora found out about each other. Of course they began to date, Seungmin's father wanted to disown Seungmin at this point. Seungmin didn't care if his father disowned him, he was with the love of his life. Jeongin on the other hand...he doesn't know yet.. Nora hasn't told him yet, in her defense the last time they all had an intersection that she knows of is, he threatened to kill Seungmin if he came near her again. It might've changed, it could have been that 13 year old Jeongin was being overprotective to his younger sister. Seungmin never understood why Jeongin hated him so much, was he just that much of a terrible guy? Of course not! Jeongin hated Seungmin because Seungmin had played with girls hearts before, he just didn't want his sister to be one of them.

Seungmin's Apartment

Seungmin heard his door open and walked over to see Jeongin and Nora in the frame. "Hello, Jeongin and Nora." Seungmin smiled. Jeongin bowed and saw Nora wasn't bowing. "Good to see you, hyung. May I ask why we are here?" Jeongin was confused that his sister didn't bow, he's her boss. "Ah, uhm. Can we wait after dinner?" Seungmin asked as he lead them to the dining table. Jeongin sat down as did the rest. "If I'm going to get mad, I'd rather you guys just tell me whatever you have to tell me." Jeongin sighed. "Oppa, what are you-" Nora tried to say but Jeongin shushed her. "I'm not as stupid as you think I am, Nora. Just tell it to me straight." Jeongin looked at the others. "Uh, Jeongin. Nora is my girlfriend." Seungmin smiled lightly. "I kinda already guessed that. Why else wouldn't she bow to you, you're her boss." Jeongin pointed out. "Seungmin was my childhood best friend. Remember you hated him?" Nora reminded her brother. Jeongin went silent then stared at Seungmin. "That's why you seemed so familiar, because I threatened to kill you." Jeongin stood up. "I remember, you slapped Nora that same day." Seungmin stood up as well. Nora already was regretting telling her brother. "Min..relax." Nora tugged on the bottom of his shirt as she saw his fist clenched up. "You trying to tame your dog? Good, he needs taming, because he doesn't have any manners." Jeongin glared at Seungmin. "Did you just call me a dog? Listen here, you prick. I don't like you, you don't like me. We don't have to like each other but at least don't offend me that bad." Seungmin scoffed. Nora pulled Seungmin down to her, "You're making it worse, stop talking!" She whisper-yelled. Jeongin laughed, "I'm leaving, if I see you again. I will actually kill you, I promise you that." Jeongin left the apartment. Nora slapped her forehead. "That went..terrible! Why can't you guys get along?" Nora whined. "He's always hated me! I don't understand why or what I did for him to hate me." Seungmin sat back next to his girlfriend. "I know, but c'mon, how long are you going to hold a grudge?" Nora asked as she turned to Seungmin. "He has the grudge, I don't." Seungmin pouted. She took his hand and smiled. "Don't pout Min. Let's watch something, hm?" Nora got up and dragged her boyfriend to his room. She hopped onto his bed and grabbed his remote, "Let's see what movies you have on your list. Hmm.." Nora slid the movie covers one by one. Seungmin sat next to her, staring at her side profile. "Want to watch A Love So Beautiful?" Nora looked over to him. He looked away and stared at the TV. "Uh, yeah. Sure, let's what that." Seungmin leaned into his pillows. She hummed and pressed play. Seungmin held his lover in his arms as they watched the show. "Hey, baby..?" Seungmin started to say. He heard no response from Nora. "Noraaa-?" Seungmin moved to see her face. He saw she was asleep and a smile creeped onto his face. He laid back and thought about how long it took for them to be together. He thought it was going to be impossible for him to see her again, but in the end it was possible. Or was it?

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