Chapter 12

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It had been a few months since Nora and Seungmin had told his father. Seungmin was no longer upset with Nora, mostly because he understood why. Seungmin and his father's relationship had gotten better, like so good that now Woosung didn't want to leave home, his father had been spending so much time with him, it was exhausting! Seungmin and Nora had found a perfect name for their babygirl, Eunji. It was perfect for them, well for Nora. She had been SUPER picky with what she wanted to name the baby. Seungmin would give a suggestion but Nora would turn them down everytime until he came up with that name. All things aside from the baby, their 1 year anniversary was coming up! Seungmin thought since their already having a baby, why not just get married? He had never taken marriage lightly, mostly because he wanted to be with someone special and he loved dearly. He has found that special someone, so why not? He plans on proposing on their anniversary, but is that day such a great idea? Nothing bad should happen on the day, right? Everything has to be perfect when Seungmin proposes because if it's not.. What if it's a terrible way of asking? What if she thinks it's cliché to ask for marriage on a special day? All these questions swarmed Seungmin's mind, but he still didn't want to give up his plan. He has everything set, the reservation, the ring, and the way he'll ask.

Side Story bc I'm getting tired of this book.... *angst/fluff*

Jisung had been waiting for Minho to get out of the bathroom since he had plans to go to a new cafe that had just opened the day before. He wanted to go with Minho because it was a cute cat cafe that Minho would've loved. "Hyung!!!!!!!!" Jisung whined as he kicked around, waiting for the older to finish brushing his teeth. "What?" Minho muffled as he continued to brush his teeth. "Hurry up, I want to leave soon." Jisung slightly tugged on Minho's shirt. He finished brushing his teeth as he turned to his boyfriend, "jagiya, be patient? Please?" Minho patted his shoulder. "But, hyung your taking forever." Jisung frowned. "Han Jisung. Calm down, now. It won't be the end of the world if we get there later, it's not like it's a reservation." Minho sighed as he walked out of the bathroom. Jisung followed Minho to the hallway closet, he stood closely to Minho. "But Minho hyung, what if-" Minho sighed as he turned around with pure irritation in his eyes. "Be quiet! You're acting like a child!" Minho raised his hand up as if he was going to hit Jisung with made him flinch and backed away. "Jisung, I-I'm sorry, I wasn't going.." Minho tried to comfort Jisung as he inched closer to him but Jisung backed away. "You were going to hit me.. You were actually going to hit me, I thought you weren't like that..." Jisung's lip quivered as he was brought to certain memories he wished he had gotten over. Jisung had an ex, Mingyu. He was very abusive towards Jisung, but he was too scared to leave him. He thought he had left those memories years ago, but no, Minho had brought them back. "Ji... I'm sorry.. I wouldn't hurt you.." Minho took a few more steps towards Jisung as he reached out for him and Jisung covered his face. "Don't touch me! Please, please just..get away from me." Jisung said as he felt tears run down his face. "Jisung... Why are you crying..?" Minho asked as he took a few more steps towards Jisung, now feeling worried about him. Jisung's back collided with the wall and looked down, not wanting to answer him. Minho slid his hands around the sides of Jisung's face, lifting his face up and rubbed his cheeks. He made Jisung look him in the eye which Jisung tried so hard to avoid. "What happened... Why are you acting this way..?" Minho asked again. "It's nothing.. I'm fine, stop acting like you care." Jisung answered as he tried to move Minho's hands away. Minho moved his hands away and shifted his hands around his back then pulled his closer. "I do care, you know that.. How could you say that? I let you move in with me since you didn't have a place to stay, I don't burden you to get a job because I can provide Anything you want, so don't lie to me.. Now tell me, what's wrong.." Minho furrowed his brows. "I don't want to.. Please don't make me...." Jisung sniffed. "I need to know, why are you acting like this.." Minho frowned. He didn't want Jisung to be sad but he needed to know what was wrong with his boyfriend. Jisung took almost all of his strength and pushed Minho away. "I said I don't want to!" Jisung moved around and walked away. Minho sighed and walked after Jisung then grabbed his wrist. "Jisung! Don't walk away from me. I just want to understand!" Minho raised his voice and pulled Jisung around. "I was abused by my ex! Is that what you want to hear? Is that want you want to know? That I was so weak that I was abused by my ex and couldn't escape him so I moved away?" Jisung yelled back as he yanked his hand away. Minho looked at Jisung and stared into his eyes. "You were scared to tell me that..? Wait, you were scared of me.. You thought that I was going to act like them?" Minho frowned. "Hyung... You know that's not what-" Jisung got interrupted. "I get it, I'll leave you alone now. I'll be down stairs." Minho bit the inside of his cheek and left Jisung. Minho was upset with Jisung not because Jisung didn't tell him but because he thought he was like Mingyu. Minho never liked being compared to others but this..this was different.

He walked over to his couch and relaxed into it, hoping to clear his mind. But of course, fate intervened. A knock was heard on the door. "Come in." Minho groaned as he looked over to the front door and emerged a friend of his. "Hey Minho! I think you should probably lock your front door, what if it was a murderer?" Changbin walked over to his friend and jumped onto the couch. "Eh.. My house is pretty secluded, I don't really care. Anyway, why are you here?" Minho turned over to see Changbin taking a photo of them. "I dont know, I just wanted to come over. Plusssss! My baby told me you have a boyfriend and that he lives with you, so I wanted to meet him. Only reason I chose today was because work has been keeping me." Changbin explained as he sent the photo to Yongbok. Minho hummed, "so? Where is he? What's his name?" Changbin asked as he looked around the surrounding areas. "Uh, he's upstairs..and his name is Han Jisung." Minho answered, he hoped Jisung wouldn't come downstairs but he did. Jisung walked down the stairs holding onto a bag he had slung over his shoulder. Jisung looked over to the couch and saw Minho and another guy, who he did not know. "Oh, hi! You must be Jisung?" Changbin stood up and bowed to Jisung. Jisung just wanted to leave so he quickly bowed. "Hello..?" Jisung questioningly said. "Oh, it looks as if your going out, uh bye?" Changbin sat back down frowning, he wanted to get to know Jisung. Minho looked over to Jisung, "where are you going?" Jisung didn't even look at Minho he just turned around. "The cafe, see you later." Jisung opened the door and left. Minho noticed when Jisung first came down the stairs his eyes were red, meaning he was crying..again. Minho really hated it when Jisung cried, why wouldn't he? No one likes to see someone they care about cry. "Uh, that was a little cold. What's up with you guys?" Changbin noticed and asked. "We got into an argument before you got here. I haven't said sorry, but I don't know if it's my right to or his." Minho looked down. "What'd you do?" Changbin leaned into the cushions as if he was in a soap opera. "Well.. I raised my hand at him.. He thought I was going to hit him so he flinched.. He started crying when I took a step closer.." Minho sighed as he massaged his temples. "Abusive ex? To be honest, it's not your fault but it is as the same time. He probably got taken back to those moments where he felt so pathetic and he didn't like it. Why are you upset tho?" Changbin scratched his head, trying to connect the dots because he is so smart. "You know how I feel when I get compared to people, and well uh, it upset me how he thought I would actually hit him as if I was like his ex. I thought he trusted me enough to know I would never actually hit him.." Minho burried his face into his palms. "Minho, you have to understand where he's coming from. Maybe try that before having a fit." Changbin advised his friend. "I know, you're right. I just.. I've never felt with type of thing.. I wish I knew how to comfort him, I don't want him to think of me that way.." Minho blinked as he felt a few tears run down his nose. Changbin leaned over to Minho and rubbed his back. "It's okay... Just try your best to be good to him, okay?" Changbin smiled. Minho gave a dry chuckle as he nodded and leaned back then wiped the tears. "Hey, let's get your mind off this, wanna go to the gym?" Changbin smiled brightly. "Sure, let me just get my gym clothes." Minho gave a smile back.

Minho unlocked his door and walked in, he saw Jisung's shoes already in the shoe area. Minho kicked off his shoes and tossed his keys into the bowl near the door. He slugged down the hallway to find himself a pair of clean clothes. He found himself walking up the stairs, heading to the room. Minho was about to open the door but he heard sobbing, he frowned at the sound of his boyfriend crying. He opened the door then saw Jisung jump off the bed and hide behind it. "Jisung..come here, please?" Minho asked as he walked closer to the bed. Jisung stood up then hurried to wipe his tears and he looked down because he didn't want to move from where he was. Minho walked around the bed then sat down and moved Jisung between his legs then hugged, and laid his head on his stomach. "I love you, Jisung.. I never want you to think I'll hurt you or cry because of me.. I promise, I won't ever hurt you." Minho said and Jisung looked down at Minho. "You promise..?" Jisung asked in a small voice. "Yes, I promise.." Minho looked up and smiled. Jisung hugged Minho. "..I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept that a secret from you.. I won't keep things from you anymore.." Jisung hummed. Minho pulled Jisung onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist. "Yah! Why'd you do that? What if I fell different?" Jisung pouted. Minho just chuckled at Jisung and carressed his cheek then smiled. "I really love you, Han Jisung.." Minho muttered as he peppered kissed all over his boyfriend's face. Jisung smiled, "I love you too, Lee Minho.." Jisung nuzzled his face into the crook of Minho's neck.

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