Chapter 2

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Friday - The Day of The Concert

Seungmin was dressed for the concert, all he he had been doing was wait. It had been 1 hour since Jisung told him he was on his way.

*Outfit he was going to wear*

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*Outfit he was going to wear*

Jisung honked the car and screamed out the window. "KIM SEUNGMIN, GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUM, AND GET OUT HERE. IT'S TIME TO SEE YOUR GIRLFRIENDS OLDER BROTHER!" Jisung practically screeched as Seungmin ran out of his apartment and was very close to punching Jisung. "She isn't my girlfriend, we've never dated. She never even told me if she liked me back and did you have to scream that out loud? Now all my neighbors are gonna think I have a girlfriend... I hate you, so much Jisung." Seungmin lectured Jisung as he drove. Jisung rolled his eyes and turned on the radio which played Shout Out by ENHYPEN. "Oh, yeah! This is such a good group! Don't you think, Seungmin?" Jisung spoke, completely disregarding anything that Seungmin had said moments before. He stayed quiet, other than Jisung the whole car ride was quiet... All Jisung did was sing his heart out to each song that played. Seungmin replayed the moments that haunted him for years. "If you ever come near my sister, I will kill you." Seungmin may have been a year older than him but he was just as scary.
As soon as they got there, Seungmin was already regretting it. Jisung got out of the car and called Hyunjin. "Hyung, where are you? We're here." Jisung groaned as he dragged Seungmin with him. "What do you mean, 'we're' who's with you?" Hyunjin asked very confused. "Seungmin is here as well. Is that going to be a problem, hyung?" Jisung sighed as he took out the tickets, handing one to Seungmin. "You didn't tell me that he was going to be here. If I would've known, I wouldn't have came." Hyunjin growled through the phone. "What's your problem, hyung? Seungmin never did anything to you, and you hate him." Jisung scoffed as he looked at Seungmin in the corner of his eye, he was holding a serious face. "I need to go, we're entering the stadium." Seungmin took Jisung's phone and shoved it into his pocket. "I don't understand why you're friends with that wanker.." Seungmin sighed as he gave the guard his ticket. Jisung walked after Seungmin, "He's not a wanker, he just doesn't know you. I promise, once you get to know each other, you'll become great friends!" Jisung showed his best smile. Seungmin subconsciously rolled his eyes. "Let's just find out seats, alright? We have VIP seats, by the way." Jisung giggled as he started skipping away toward their seats. Great, if they have VIP seats, Jeongin will see him. Seungmin walked behind Jisung all the way until Seungmin saw how close the seats were to the stage. "You pabo.. Why did you have to get VIP seats.." Seungmin said under his breath. "Did you say something?" Jisung turned around and continues walking backwards. "Nothing. Uh, maybe you shouldn't walk backwards, you could walk into someone." Seungmin walked past a few people. "That's not going to hap-" Jisung bumped into someone, which made him jerk around to see who he hit. "Ah! Hyung! I'm so glad to see you made it!" A boy smiled showing his dimples. "Oh, Jeongin! I am so sorry, I wasn't looking." Jisung quickly bowed to the younger boy. Seungmin looked up trying to not get any attention from Jeongin. "Oh, it's alright hyung! But who's this?" Jeongin looked right at the tall boy. "Oh, this is my friend. Kim Seungmin, he's very excited to see your preform!" Jisung pushed Seungmin right next to Jeongin. Seungmin waved to the youngest. "Uh, hi?" Seungmin did a small bow. "Hello, I'm Yang Jeongin. Nice to meet you." He smiled brightly. Seungmin's heartbeat started to be irregular. "He's not really a people person.. But hopefully you'll get to know each other and become friends!" Jisung butted in. Seungmin wasn't facing Jeongin, but he could feel him staring at his features. "Kim Seungmin, do I by any chance know you?" Jeongin asked in curiousity. "No, I don't think, so." Seungmin quickly responded. "but I thou-ack-" Jisung was about to say but Seungmin nudged him with his elbow. Jisung glared at him. "Uh, well I have to see someone. See you later?" Jeongin gave Jisung a side hug, and disappeared within the crowd. Jisung stared at Seungmin, he was clearly upset. "What was that for? Why didn't you just tell him?" Seungmin didn't want to talk at all so he just ignored his friend. "Why do I even help you. You're nothing but a jerk, Seungmin." Jisung sat down, and was visibly annoyed. "You don't know the past. Stop acting like you know everything about my life, Jisung. If I wasn't here, you would still be swimming in student debt." Seungmin grabbed his phone and began walking away from their seats. Jisung grabbed his arm, "Seungmin.. What is wrong with you? I thought we were friends, why are you treating me like this?" It was clear as day that Jisung was hurt. "I'm going home. Here, pay for a cab home." Seungmin sighed as he took some money out and put it in Jisung's hand. Jisung looked at Seungmin and tried to speak but was dumbfounded. Seungmin walked away from Jisung.

"Who does he think he is.. Why did I even get him involved?" Seungmin spoke to himself as he walked passed other people.
"Mr. Kim? What are you doing here?" A female voice asked. Seungmin looked up to see who was the owner of the voice. "Oh, Nora. I'm leaving, don't worry." Seungmin bowed as he walked passed her. "I'm surprised to say the least. You don't seem like the kind to listen to i.2.n.8." Nora smiled. "Oh, I don't. I was forced to come but my friend and I got into a fight." Seungmin stated, he really didn't want to stay an longer. "Oh, how sad." Nora frowned then someone caught her eye. "Well, I have to go! Bye, Nr. Kim, see ya tomorrow!" Nora smiled and walked away.

Later at the Kim Household

Seungmin was at his fathers house because of some family meeting They hadn't started yet because Seungmin's older sister hadn't arrived yet.

"Appa! Appa! Where's hyung?" Woosung, Seungmin's little brother had tugged on their fathers shirt. Seungmin's father picked up the small child and smiled. "Woosung, he's in his room. Go bother him?" Woosung jumped out of his father's arms and Naruto ran all the way to Seungmin's room.

"Hyung! Hyung! Seungmin hyung! Open the door!" Woosung knocked vigorously on the older's door. Seungmin growled and opened the door to his cheeky younger brother, who always reminded him of Jisung. "What is it, Woosung?" Seungmin groaned as he turned to walk back to his bed. Woosung looked around his older brothers room and saw some papers on his desk, "I haven't seen you in a while. Can we play, hyung?" The five year old asked. "I'm busy, maybe later." Seungmin sighed and sat at his desk. "You won't be here later! You never play with me, why don't you want me, hyung?" The little boy's lip quivered. Seungmin turned to the boy and frowned. "It's not that... I'm just stressed, Woo. I wish I had the time, I really do." Seungmin opened his arms, the little one ran into his brothers arms. Seungmin embraced him, "You mean it, hyung?" Seungmin nodded as he held his younger brother in his arms. He missed this. He hasn't seen his brother since their mother died. Which was 7 months ago. "When will I see you again, hyung?" Woosung pouted. "I don't know, buddy. Hopefully, this weekend?" Seungmin smiled. Woosung started jumping around, "I'll prepare for everything! Just you wait!" The little boy gave a gummy smile. Seungmin patted his head, "okay, I need to finish up some paperwork. Go play with your toys," Seungmin lead the boy out of the room. He closed his door and went back to doing his paperwork.

2 Hours Later

"Father! I'm here!" Seungmin's older sister yelled as she entered their fathers home. "Miyeon, you finally decide to join us?" Their father scolded the girl as he sat in the head chair. Seungmin was already sitting next to their father. "Seungmin, how are you?" Miyeon smiled brightly. "Like you care, Noona." Seungmin crosses his legs and put his glasses on. "Can we just get this over with?" Seungmin sighed. "Yes, we are here for Seungmin." Their father looked to Seungnin. "What? What do you mean for me?" Seungmin distraught by his father. "You have a blind date, with one of my oldest friends daughter." He stared into his son's eyes. Seungmin stood up, "No, I am not! I told you already, I'm against the whole arranged marriage thing!" He exclaimed. "Just meet her, you'll never know of you don't try!" His father yelled back. "No, I won't do it! I already love someone!" Seungmin blurted out. "That girl isn't here anymore! She left you! I made sure if that!" Their father slammed his hand on the table. "What do you mean...'made sure of it?' Father what did you do?" Seungmin stared at his father. "I need you to marry into a wealthy family. Not that said poor family." Seungmin spat. After all these years, of him thinking she left because of him..was true, to a point. "I can't believe you. You ruined my life, you destroyed my only chance of happiness!" Seungmin furiously grabbed his fathers shirt. "Stop being dramatic, boy. She was only going to drag you down. If I hadn't got eid of her, you might've not been a CEO." His father unhanded Seungmin from his shirt. How could his own father do this to him? All he did was like a girl, was that so bad to have done?

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