Chapter 5

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It'd had a while since Seungmin talked to Jisung. So if course he called him. He asked him if he wanted to meet up, he obviously accepted that.

At a cafe

Seungmin was sitting at a table waiting for Jisung. He walked in with sunglasses on and a hoodie. He quickly sat across Seungmin. "Hey, how are you?" Seungmin gave a small smile. "I'm fine, what'd you want to talk about?" Jisung anxiously asked. "I don't think you're okay. You never wear sunglasses." Seungmin leaned over the table and pulled them off to reveal a black eye. "What the– who did this?" Seungmin asked with obvious worry in his voice. Jisung looked down and laughed lightly. "It's been two months. I needed a place to stay and Hyunjin offered his place for a while. He eventually found out that you upset Jeongin and ended up beating me up, since he didn't know where you lives and I didn't tell him." Jisung put his sunglasses back on. Seungmin stood up and grabbed Jisung's arm. "Take me to where he lives. I'm going to talk to him." Seungmin shoved Jisung into his car and got into the drivers seat.

Hyunjin's House

Seungmin knocked onto the door vigourisly until Hyunjin opened the door. "What are you doing here? How did you even know where I lived?" Hyunjin bombarded him with questions. Seungmin grabbed onto his shirt dollar and lifted him up against the wall. "You dare ask me that? You beat up my best friend! Jisung didn't do anything to you, and you're such a coward to beat him up when he's in a weak state!" Seungmin pushed him onto the floor. "Who are you to say that? Jisung's a weak person, you proved that by coming here and avenging him when it should be him!" Hyunjin yelled. Seungmin knelt down and punched Hyunjin in the face. "Just shut up, I can have you arrested. Do you want that? No, I don't think so, so leave us all alone." Seungmin ordered as he left Hyunjin on the floor with a bloody nose. Jisung waited in the car and looked at Seungmin whose knuckles were a red. He may have or may have not, went back to beat up Hyunjin...really bad(I totally didn't make a Hyunjin beat up scene. Uh #protecthyunjin 😭). "What did you do? I thought you just wanted to talk to him?" Jisung sighed as Seungmin got back into the car. "I did talk as well. Anyway, you still need a place to stay right?" Seungmin started the car. "Yeah, but I don't have any money to get a motel." Jisung frowned. "You can stay on my couch, but please don't make a big deal if you see my girlfriend." Seungmin toks his friend as he turned down the street. "GIRLFRIEND?" Jisung exclaimed. Seungmin breaked very hard at the red light and stared at Jisung. "Why'd you yell! Yes, I have a girlfriend. Is that so hard to believe?" Seungmin continued to drive. "Wow, so much has happened in 2 months. Who is she?" Jisung asked. "My childhood best friend." Seungmin ended up explaining everything. "Wow, I can't believe your dad. I thought he was cool, but nah! He's so cruel." Jisung said in disgust. Seungmin pulled into the apartment complex. "Nora is here, please don't overreact when you meet her?" Seungmin hoped and walked up to his door as Jisung followed him like a lost puppy. Once Seungmin opened the door Jisung pushed them both inside and started to explore the apartment. "Min? Are you back?" Nora walked out of the bedroom and saw Jisung staring at her like a skin walker ready to kill her. "Nora, this is my friend. Jisung introduce yourself." Seungmin smiled. "Hi, I'm Han Jisung. I'm his best friend of seven years! It's nice to meet you." Jisung gave a cheeky smile. Nora smiled back, and put her hand out. "I'm Yang Nora. I'm Seungmin's girlfriend." Jisung shook her hand. "Alrighty then, we're now introduced. Jisung is going to be staying with us for a while, until he can another place to stay. That okay?" Seungmin informed her. She nodded as she left the living space and walked into his room. Seungmin patted Jisung's shoulder. "I'm gonna get the blankets and pillows for you." Seungmin walked into his room and saw Nora's feet sticking out from under the bed. "Jagi? Why are you under the bed?" Seungmin knelt down next to her feet. "Do I have to go back to staying with Jeongin?" Nora sniffed. "What, no. Why would you think that?" Seungmin pulled her towards him. "Well if Jisung is staying here that means, I can't be here." Nora pouted. "Ah, you pabo. He's sleeping on the couch, you sleep with me. You can stay here too, don't worry." Seungmin smiled. They hugged and Jisung walked into the room. "Yah, where are my blankets and pill–oh, Never mind." Jisung backed away.

A/N here's a tiny chapter of Jisung and Seungmin fixing their friendship ❤
- A<3

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