Chapter 3

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The Next Day

Seungmin was at his office, pondering on what to do about his father. "What did I ever do to him.. I'm his song for goodness sake, how could he have done this to me?" Seungmin thought to himself. He heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Seungmin said with no emotion. Nora walked in, "Mr. Kim, uh there's a women here, claiming she know's you." Nora bowed quickly then walked to his desk. "What was her name?" Seungmin barely looked up at the younger girl. "Uhm, her name was... Choi Yoona? Do I let her up?" Nora looked at her folder. "Yes, but once I call you, kick her out. Got it?" Seungmin ordered. She nodded and exited the office. He massaged his temples as a women knocked on the door and quickly entering before he could get a word in. "Hii, I'm Choi Yoona. Are you Kim Seungmin?" The girl smiled. He nodded not even looking up at the girl. "Are you not going to look at me? Oppa?" Yoona walked over to his desk as he heels clicked on the floor. "Don't ever call me that. Just sit down." Seungmin clenched his fist. "Mh, so how old are you?" She sat down. "Twenty-four. You?" Seungmin continued writing. "Twenty-three. I'm pretty sure you already know that I'm Choi Hojun's daughter." Yoona snickered. "Don't flatter yourself. I didn't even know you existed before today." Seungmin rolled his eyes. She cleared her throat, "So, when are we going on that date? Just so y'know, I don't eat greasy food, sushi, garlic, noodles, fish, and barbeque." Seungmin coughed. "One, we aren't going on any date. Two, are you even Korean? Who doesn't eat all that, it's our culture." Seungmin scoffed. "What do you mean, not going on a date? I was told to come here because of the date!" Yoona snared. "That isn't my problem. I told my father that I wasn't going on any date." Seungmin set his pen down. "And I wouldn't go on a date with a brat like you. You're not my type at all." Seungmin smirked to himself. "What is your problem? My father told me you were a sweet guy. You're not even close to a nice guy! Jerk!" Yoona stormed out of the room. Seungmin shrugged as he went back to work.

"Mr. Kim, what do you want for lunch?" Nora poked her head through the door. She saw he was asleep. Truth is, he didn't sleep a wink that night, all he could think about was his first love. "Mr. Kim! Wake up!" Nora shouted as she knocked on his desk. 'Mh' was the only noise that came out of him. "Mr. Kim Seungmin. Wake up or else you aren't going to eat!" Nora shouted in his ear. Seungmin almost jumped out of his seat as he held his ear. "Yah! I'm your boss, don't ever shout in my ear!" Seungmin yelled. "You were asleep, what else did you expect me to do. I wasn't going to wait." Nora sarcastically smiled. "What is it you want, Nora?" Seungmin glared at his assistant. "I'm getting lunch, what do you want?" Nora took out her phone. "Are you serious? If I was sleeping, does it look like I'm hungry? I swear you-" Seungmin was cut off by Nora's phone ringing. Nora nervously laughed and answered the phone. "Yes, oppa? No, I'm at work. Can we talk later? No-what do you mean, 'no' Please just wait?" Nora pleaded to whoever was on the phone. Seungmin got up and grabbed her phone, "Hello? Who is this?" Seungmin growled into the phone. "Seungmin hyung?" A familiar voice said. "Yang Jeongin?" Seungmin was puzzled. "Hyung, why do you have my sisters phone? Wait-how do you know her?" Jeongin asked. "I'm her boss, and sister? You have a sis-" The realisation hit Seungmin like a moving train. Nora took her phone back, "Oppa, I have to go." She quickly hung up before he got anything out. "Mr. Kim, why would you take my phone without my consent?" Nora almost shouted. Seungmin looked into her eyes. "Yang Jieun Nora... No, it can't be? No, no, no." Seungmin muttered. "What is wrong with you? Is something wrong?" Nora crossed her arms. "You are Yang Jieun Nora. Wow.. You've changed." Seungmin put both of his hands on each side of her face. "What the- Mr. Kim, do you mind..not touching my face? What do you mean, I've changed?" Nora tried releasing his hands from her face. "It's me, Ji.. Remember me.. I'm Minnie.." Seungmin's eyes turned glassy. "Minnie? Who's Minnie?" Nora gave him a weird look. "Why would he call me, Ji? I actually haven't heard that name in a while.." Nora thought to herself and frowned. "'I promise to be friends with you until we die. Promise me the same?'" Seungmin said to see a reaction. "'I promise to love you until we die, I'll promise you the same' wait how do you know that?" Nora completed his sentence. Seungmin hugged her, "Wait... Kim Seungmin, as in Min or Minnie..." Nora started to breathe heavily. "Nora.. Why did you leave me..?" Seungmin said as tears rolled down his face. "I didn't want to.. My parents just said my dad got a new job.." Nora answered back as she rubbed his back. She explained how they never stayed in one place and her parents never planned on moving back to Seoul. "I'm so sorry. My father..he-he paid them off to make us separate.." Seungmin held onto the girl tight, he didn't want her to leave him again. Nora frowned and held onto him not ever wanting to let him go. "I still love you.. After all these years. I find it a bit crazy." Seungmin laughed. "Right.. I never got to tell you how I felt about you.." Nora started. Seungmin looked at her, he awaited her answer. "I love you, too. I didn't realise I was in love until I left. It became as clear as day, because I never wanted anyone but you." Nora admitted. Seungmin looked into her eyes and held up her chin. "May I..?" He leaned closer to her lips. She nodded and he immediately pushed his lips up on to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she fell into the kiss. It wasn't a steamy kiss, but a loving and passionate one.

Later on in the Day :>

Seungmin was sitting at his desk, once again. He dialed his fathers number. After the third ring he picked up. "Father, I have something to say to you." Seungmin said as he waited for his fathers response. "What is it, Seungmin. I'm already upset with you as it is." His father answered. Seungmin didn't care if his father was upset. "I'm dating someone, so I'm not going on anymore blind dates." Seungmin told his father. "Who? Is it a girl from a good company?" His father questioned. "It's Jieun. I'm dating her. You couldn't keep us apart, your little plan failed." Seungmin smiled to himself. Seungmin's father was appalled and immediately hung up.

(A/N) #protecthyunjin!!! Also stream Phobia - Seungmin's new OST!!!!! It's saur good!!!!!!! Also I'm sorry for some of the misspelling, I honestly forgot where some were soo sorry! Whoops, hopefully y'know what I meant 😭😅 bye
- A<3

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