Chapter 6

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A/N yes that is Seungmin's face, not Han's.

It had been two weeks since Jisung moved into the apartment. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable. "Kim Seung-MIIIIIIIN!" Jisung shouted at the locked door. He had forgotten the spare key Seungmin had lent him inside the apartment, as well as his phone. "SEUNGMIN. KIM SEUNGMIN. SEUNGMIN KIM. SEUNGMIN-AH!!!! YAHHHHH!" Jisung pounded on the door. Nora opened the door and glared at Jisung. She was wearing one of Seungmin's shirt, which was big on her, and some shorts. "Jisung, I was sleeping. What made you think to yell and pound on the door?" Nora snared. "I forgot my keys and phone inside. I really need to get ready, because I have a date." Jisung pushed her to the side, lightly. "Aish- Seungmin isn't even here, he told you this, this morning. Were you not paying attention to him?" Nora closed the door. "Maybe, but where did he go?" Jisung grabbed his phone and keys. "Work, he had a few emergency meetings." Nora shrugged as she sat on the couch. "Why didn't you go with him? You are his assistant, aren't you?" Jisung shoved his things into his pockets as he quickly looked at her. "His secretary goes on meetings. I don't, I'm just the assistant." Nora leaned her head onto the couch ledge. "Ah, okay. Well tell him I won't be back tonight. I'll be back maybe tomorrow morning?" Jisung walked to the shoe area and started sliding his shoes on. "Oh, you think it's that type of date?" Nora scrunched her nose with a little disgust. Nora believes to only do that with special people. "No, I'm going on a date and then I'm heading to my parents house after." Jisung rolled his eyes and waved. "Alright, bye bye." Nora waved back as Jisung left the apartment. Nora layed across the couch and sighed. She started thinking how special she is to Seungmin, was she special enough to him, or was she just the girlfriend. Nora opened her phone and checked her messages from her brother. She missed Jeongin but she loved Seungmin, how could she not love him? She loved him for 10 years, but Jeongin was her brother, he hadn't always been the best brother but he was there for her when she was a kid. Nora never wanted to choose between them but she had to. She wished how they gotten along but no. Jeongin hated Seungmin and Seungmin hated Jeongin. She didn't realise but teats were falling down her face. "Dang it.. Nora stop crying." She wiped her tears away. She got up and walked to the mirror. She saw her red eyes. Nora knew Seungmin was going to be home soon and she didn't want him to see how she was crying. She quickly ran to the bathroom and turned the water on. She stared at herself as she splashed water on her face. Her ears caught the sound of the front door opening. "Crap. Uh, Seungmin is that you?" Nora spoke up trying to hide the lump in her throat. "Yeah, jagi where are you?" Seungmin walked into the bedroom and didn't see her. "Oh, I'm in the bathroom. I'm going to do my makeup." Nora gave an excuse. "Why're you getting ready? Are you going with some friends?" Seungmin's voice got closer to the bathroom. "Ah, no. I just want to look pretty!" Nora laughed as she started to rub moisturizier on her face. "Jagiya, you already are pretty, with or without makeup." Seungmin looked around the door and saw his girlfriend. Nora smiled upon seeing him. He noticed that she was off. "Jagi, were you crying?" Seungmin walked up to her, grabbed her arms and rubbed her arm. "Nooo, I wasn't. I promise!" Nora wiggled her arms out of his grip. Seungmin went silent and stared into her eyes. "I thought we promised not to lie to each other?" Seungmin felt disappointed. Why wouldn't he? His girlfriend was lying to him and promised that she wasn't. She broke two promises. Nora looked at Seungmin then looked down and her tears came back. "I'm.. sor-sorry.." Seungmin pulled her into his embrace and kissed her forehead. "Nora...why were you crying..just tell me the truth." Seungmin rubbed her back. "I was having doubts about us being together.. I don't think I deserve I really that important to you..?" Nora sniffled. "Of course you are! Don't ever think that, I love you, so much! Do you hear me? I love you, only you." Seungmin held her face up and gave her a peck on the lips. A small smile crept onto her mouth, "I love you too.. I really do.." Nora wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. He lifted her face up by the chin and placed a sensual kiss onto her lips. "Mh, Min.." Nora pulled away and looked into his eyes. He pinned her to the wall and connected their lips again. (Oh, Seungmin. I know your a puppy but, this ain't giving puppy behaviors.....) Nora ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him. Seungmin slid his hands around her back as he Nora placed her hands onto his chest as she smiled into the kiss. He opened his eyes for second he then pulled away and looked at her red lips. "Hm, do you want some ramyeon?" Seungmin laughed. Nora stuck out her tongue and pushed him away. "Awe-is Nora mad?" Seungmin provoked. "I'm going to lay down and watch something, you can go eat your ramyeon." Nora pouted then she walked over to the bed and laid down. "I'd rather lay with you." Seungmin climbed into the bed and laid on top of her. "Min! You're crushing me!" Nora struggled to push him off. He lifted himself off just a bit and looked down on her. "You don't want my love?" Seungmin pouted. "I do-h-hey! What are you doing?" Nora's eyes widened as she felt a pair of soft lips touch her neck. He slowly placed small kisses around her neck to her ear. "Seungmin-I'm-I'm not ready for that!" Nora moved her head the other way. Seungmin lifted his gaze from her neck to her eyes. "Y'know.. I wouldn't pressure you into anything, you're not comfortable with." Seungmin caressed her cheek. "I know that, I'm sorry, but I just wanted-" Seungmin kissed her. "Jagi, don't apologise. It was my fault, I'm sorry." Seungmin rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and smiled. Nora grabbed onto both of his arms and pulled him into a kiss. Seungmin held himself up as he felt her start to wrap her arms around his waist. "" Seungmin said between the kisses. "Shh.." Nora hushed as she kept kissing him. If he continued with this he didn't know if he would be able to keep control. She started rolling his shirt up as she felt his abs(we all know that Seungmin prob does have them but doesn't show.) He moved one of his hands from the side of her then he stopped her hand and pulled away. "Nora, you don't know what you're starting.." Seungmin looked into her eyes which were filled with lust. A dark crimson red freckled across her face, she then returned her hands to his shirt and boldly said, "Take it off.." Seungmin smirked and pulled off his shirt. She pulled him back into a very sensual kiss. Seungmin broke the kiss then moved back to her neck and left small wet kisses along her neck.

Jisung unlocked the front door and sighed as he tossed his keys into the bowl near the door. He slid off his shoes and passed by Seungmin's room. He went to go change in the bathroom. Jisung changed into his pyjamas and walked to the couch. He didnt see his charger plugged in. Jisung started looking for his charger and couldn't find it so he decided to ask Seungmin. He walked back to the door and lightly knocked on it. No response. "Seungmin, I'm coming in-" Jisung nudged the door open and saw Seungmin on top of Nora. Let's just say there was a scene that could burn into anyone's mind. "OH. MY. GOSH. MY EYES!" Jisung screamed in terror and slammed the door close. "I AM SO SORRY BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR! FOR GOODNESS SAKE, I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE THAT!" Jisung ran to the bathroom and started washing his eyes. Seungmin rushed out of the bedroom quickly sliding his shirt on. "Jisung! Why are you home?" Seungmin slapped his head as he felt very embarrassed. "I didn't want to see that, Seungmin, I wish I could go back in time, and what do you mean, why am I home? I live with you." Jisung walked out of the bathroom as he scoffed. "Yeah, but like.. Nora said you weren't coming home." Seungmin turned around and saw his friend. "I wasn't planning on coming home, now I wish I really hadn't." Jisung frowned. "Why'd you even come back? What happened with your date?" Seungmin asked completely forgetting that Nora was still in his room, petrified. "The person was really hot but I got nervous and came here. I forgot I needed to go to my parent's but that's okay, I can see them another time." Jisung scratched his head. Seungmin shrugged and sighed. "So, who was the person?" Seungmin asked. "Uh, you might hate me...but it's one of your work allies..." Jisung looked down. "Lee Minho? I knew it! He was your type, I am so smart." Seungmin patted his shouldet, being proud of himself. "If you were so smart, you would've locked your door-" Jisung gave him a look. Seungmin glared at him and went back to his room to see Nora, who was peacefully sleeping in one of Seungmin's shirt and cuddling a pillow that smells like Seungmin since it's the pillow he uses. He laughed to himself then walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "Good night, my love.." Seungmin said as he left the room, planning on taking a shower.

Later on in the night, maybe around 10pm.

Jisung was on his phone scrolling through Instagram, when he got a message from Lee Minho.

Hey, are you awake?

uh, yeah, clearly. What is it?

I wanted to know if you wanted to resched the date. I don't know if you got caught up or anything but we can still do another one, if you want :)

Oh, sure! I'd like that, where would you want to go?

Maybe, a nice Italian place I know of?

Yeah, sure! I'll pay, don't worry.

No no and no. I can't let you do that. I insist I pay for it since I picked it.

You already wasted your gas for today. I really want to pay!

No, Han Jisung. I'm not letting you pay, and that's the end of this conversation. I'm paying.

Fine. But I won't go easy on you and get the cheapest thing!

I'm okay with that, sweetheart ;)

Jisung was quite literally getting butterflies just talking to him. He loved the banter they just had, but why did he call him sweetheart. It seems old, but on the other hand he is older than Jisung by 2 years. Lee Minho was very attractive indeed, like INSANELY attractive, so how could have Jisung not fall for him. Jisung couldn't think anymore as he was already tired so he went to sleep.

A/N I hoped you liked this filler/important chapter. Have a great day!
- A<3

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