Chapter 8

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The Morning; Part Two, Seungmin

Seungmin woke up to Nora shaking him. "Min, Min, Min, Min, Min, Seungmin!" Nora repeated over and over again. Seungmin opened his eyes slightly and yawned. "What is it, jagi?" Seungmin said in a raspy voice. "Why are you so tired?" Nora disregarded his question. "Why aren't you tired? We did something which was a little tiring yesterday? Or do you not remember?" Seungmin remarked. Nora slapped his arm, "shut up! I'm hungry, I want you to make me something." Nora pouted. Seungmin sat up and smiled. "Fine, what do you want to eat?" Seungmin got out of the bed. "Pancakes!" Nora said with excitement. "Ehh... Okay." Seungmin slipped his slippers on and left the room. Nora jumped off the bed and followed him. He was already mixing the batter because he's that fast at getting things ready. "Wow, your so fast." Nora laughed. "Didn't you say that last ni–" Seungmin went on to say but Nora yelled. "Shut up! Just make the pancakes!" Seungmin laughed. He continued to make batter, he then poured the batter into a pancake mold. "How long do you think they have to be inside the mold–did you put butter?" Nora pointed out. Seungmin went silent and lifted one of the pancakes to see it burnt. "Dang it.. Sorry. Let me retry this," Seungmin began as he put butter and poured the rest of the batter in the molds. "Baby, isn't that maybe..too much butter?" Nora stated. "No, the more butter, the fluffier...right?" Seungmin got quiet and he waited a few seconds before flipping them. "Seungmin! You burnt them again! You should've listened to me." Nora crosses her arms. "Hey, I'm sorry but how about this? I can take you out to eat, wherever you want!" Seungmin offered and her eyes lit up. "Okay! Let me go take a shower first." Nora smiled as she jumped to the bathroom.

As she was taking her shower she heard someone yelling and knocking on the bathroom door. "Yes?" She said as she heard Jisung yell. "How much longer are you going to be in there!" Nora thought to herself, "Maybe thirty minutes!" She yelled back, she heard Jisung grumble and groan. She got out of the shower 30 minutes later and quickly got ready. "Jagi, are you done?" Seungmin asked as he slid his shoes on. "Yep!" Nora ran up to her boyfriend and smiled. She was wearing a comfortable outfit. "So, where are we going?" Seungmin grabbed his keys and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Uh, can I ask you if we can go first...?" Nora hesitated to say. He hummed as she looked at him as she saw him fumbling with a few things, "I want to go to your dads house." Seungmin looked up at her as he dropped his keys. "What? Why do you want to see that man? He hates you." Seungmin protested. "Sorry, let me rephrase that. I want to meet your little brother, I've never met him and I want to get to know him." Nora answered. Seungmin thought for a second before nodding.

Seungmin's fathers house

Seungmin rung the doorbell then intertwined his fingers with hers and smiled which was fake. Miyeon opened the door and laughed. "What are you doing here Seungmin? Dad doesn't want you here." She snared. "I could say the same to you, noona." Seungmin pushed her to the side then dragged Nora along with him as he looked around the house. "Woosung! Where are you!" Seungmin yelled. After a minute he heard a screech of laughter come from the hallway, soon after Woosung emerged from the hallway with a bright gummy smile. "Hyung! You're back!" Woosung ran to his brother and hugged him. Nora looked at the little boy and noticed how similar he looked to Seungmin. She cleared her throat as the little boy looked up at her and his smile dropped. "Who's that hyung?" Woosung tugged at his shirt. "This is Nora, she's my girlfriend." Seungmin answered as he picked up the little boy and smiled. "I have a new noona?" Woosung giggled. Seungmin nodded and Woosung changed his tone to a whisper. "Is she a better noona than Mimi noona?" Woosung asked. Nora laughed a bit. "Yes, she is." Seungmin rubbed Woosung's head. "So, Nora noona, do you know how to play cars?" Woosung transfered his gaze from Seungmin to Nora. "Uh, yes. I do, where's your toys?" Nora smiled as Seungmin gave Woosung to her. "Carry me, that way!" Woosung demanded as he pointed back down the hallway.

A few hours later

Seungmin and Nora were back at the apartment, cuddling on the couch. They had agreed to come back next weekend and take Woosung to the park. "He's so tiring, how does your dad do it?" Nora sighed. "He doesn't, he doesn't give any attention to him. So the housekeeper usually takes care of him." Seungmin rubbed her side as he answered. "Why don't you try to get custody of him? You seen like you love him more than your dad." Nora stated as she nuzzled her face into his chest. "I mean, that never crossed my mind and my dad did love Woosung it's just be blames him for the reason our mom died..." Seungmin stopped talking as he covered his eyes, holding in any of his emotions, "it wasn't even his was mine, I should've been able to save her, it should have been me.. This is all my fault.." Seungmin said as he wiped the tears that escaped his eyes. Nora sat up and hugged him. "Don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault, don't think those thoughts. It's okay, Min. It's okay to cry.." Nora rubbed his back as he let go and let the tears flow. Seungmin held onto her as he sobbed. She hummed as she let him cry. He pulled his face away then looked into her eyes and pressed his lips against hers. Nora accepted the kiss, and kissed his back. She could feel the tears on her cheeks as she felt him deepen the kiss by pulling her closer which made her slide onto his lap. She wasn't complaining but was this really the greatest idea to do if he's upset? She tried to pull away but Seungmin pulled her back and slid his hands around the back of her neck, holding her in place. Nora accepted her fate and continued to kiss him. He soon started to ride his hands up her shirt then moved his lips from her lips to her neck. "Minnie... I don't think this is right." Nora said as she tilted her head up to let him have more access. Seungmin stood up as he held Nora up with him and went to his room then sat her on the bed. He slid his shirt off and got on top of her then smirked. "Jagi..this feels very right." Seungmin said as he pinned her hands above her head and continued to kiss her neck. "Mmmh.. Min, I hope your right.." Nora whispered as he lightly bit on her collarbone which made her groan.

Erm, 2 hours later. 😅

Seungmin was holding onto Nora's waist, as he slept until he heard someone yelling his name. "Seungmin! Kim Seungmin! Are you home!" Jisung yelled. Seungmin sighed as he slithered out of bed and opened his door. He walked out and saw Jisung and Minho. "Hello? What are you doing in my apartment?" Seungmin questioned but didn't care why. He just wanted to know why Jisung was drunk. "Why'd you let him drink? He's a light weight." Seungmin said as he walked over to Jisung and helped him over to the couch.


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