Chapter 7

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The Morning; Part One, Jisung

Jisung woke up to the sound of his alarm screaming in his ear. He quickly turned his phone off as he remembered that he had a date today! He got off his bum and went to the bathroom but it was locked. "Yah! Hurry up in there, I have a date to get ready for!" Jisung knocked on the door. He wanted to be ready, even though the date was in a few hours. "I'm taking a shower! Just wait another 10 minutes!" Nora shouted from the shower. Jisung groaned and sat back down on the couch. He looked at his phone and saw a few texts from Minho. Asking what time he wanted to be picked up or if he wanted to do something before the dinner. Jisung obviously thought he didn't have enough time to get ready if they got something before dinner so he declined but he did say yes for him to pick him up.

After Jisung got ready

Jisung was standing outside the apartment when Minho pulled up to the side walk. "Hey, Han Jisung!" Minho greeted as he got out of his and then walked over to the passenger seat and opened it. Jisung got inside the car and smiled. He didn't want to admit it but he was very nervous but he didn't want to ghost Minho the second time. Jisung was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't realise that Minho had already got back in the car and started driving. "So, how was your day so far?" Minho tried to converse with Jisung. "It went pretty well, I guess. My friend's girlfriend was taking so long in the shower that I had to wait an hour." Jisung pouted. Minho saw his pout and thought it was cute. "This is your friends apartment? You roomates?" Minho's curiousity got the best of him. "Ah, right. I've been crashing at his place until I can find myself another place. I had a place before but that went bad so he offered me his couch. I couldn't refuse because I didn't want to be on the streets." Jisung admitted as he scratched his neck. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I hope you can figure something out soon." Minho reached for Jisung's free hand and rubbed it. Jisung looked down at his hand and smiled to himself. He might've even been screaming in his mind. "So, tell me about you? Your name, age, where do you live?" Jisung spoke then laughed. "Uh, scratch that. I don't need to know where you live or age. That seems a bit rude... Sorry." Jisung reluctantly pulled his hand away from Minho and tucked them into his pockets. "Oh, it's okay. I'm Lee Minho, I'm 26, I currently live in Seoul, and I am a CEO of an entertainment. I make pretty good food, I have a friend named Seo Changbin and he is dating my brother. I have a brother named Yongbok, he is an idol, he works in my company and makes me brownies all the time." Minho laughed as he turned the street. Jisung smiled, "What other idols are under your company?" Minho thought for a second. "There's Christopher Bahng, i.2.n.8, and YejzzHwang. Those are pretty much the famous idols in my company." Minho pointed out as he pulled up to a red light. Jisung turned to Minho faster than you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' Jisung was surprised. "Wait, i.2.n.8? As in Yang Jeongin?" Minho glanced at Jisung with confusion on his face. "Well, yeah. Don't tell me, are you one of his fans?" Minho sighed. "No, I'm not, I know him. I never knew he was under your entertainment." Jisung answered as he leaned into the seat. "Ah, okay." Minho got quiet after that. They both did, it actually was silent the rest of the ride.

At the diner place

Their table was very isolated, there we're curtains that blocked off the entrance and if they we're closed they would have privacy. The lights we're dim and set a nice mood.
They had already say down at their table and now they were just looking through the menu. "Have you ever been here before?" Minho asked. Jisung shook his head, and Minho smiled. "You can try this, it's pretty good for your first time here." Minho pointed to a food on Jisung's menu. "Oh, thank you. I'll get that then." Jisung gave a light smile. The waitress came over and took their orders then left. "So, how close are you and your friend?" Minho leaned and straightened his back into the chair. "Uh, pretty close. He beat up a guy who hit me-that is something you didn't need to know. Sorry for the TMI." Jisung bowed in his chair. "No, no, it's okay. Give me your TMI, I would love to get to know you more." Minho hesitated but put his hand out to Jisung's and held it. Jisung looked back at Minho and saw a caring look which made Jisung smile. "Well..if you want to get to know me, I'll tell you all about me!" Jisung started off by saying. Minho was all ears, "Well, I have an older brother, we don't talk much. I love cheesecake, chocolate cake and squirrel's. I can play the guitar, and I read Manga's and watch Anime. I also used to live in Malaysia for a time being when I was a kid." Jisung nervously smiled as he laid on all his information. "Well, since you love cheesecake, so you want that for desert? I don't mind paying the extra." Minho chuckled. Jisung's eyes lit up, "can we actually get that for desert? I would love that!" Jisung jumped in his chair with excitement. "How much cuter can he get.." Minho thought to himself. Jisung was already cute by what he was wearing so how he was acting, it just made it better.

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