Chapter Three

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One week later...

Rachel smoothed down the silky soft material of her midnight blue dress as she checked herself over in the full length mirror. She hadn't made an effort to dress up like this since... she couldn't actually remember the last time!

Kim had been pestering her for most of the week to come out shopping with her so they could both find something to wear. Rachel had eventually given in, but the most she had done was follow Kim around various shops. Kim had tried to talk her into just looking at the maternity dresses in the clothes shops, but she had refused. She didn't see the point in buying an outfit that she would never wear again. That was why she was wearing her favourite midnight blue dress. If she was honest, she was surprised that, at 8 months pregnant, that the dress still fitted her!

As she sat back down at her dressing table to finish straightening her hair, she thought about the evening ahead. She couldn't deny it, she was nervous. It had been two years since she had left Waterloo Road to start a new life with Adam. So much had changed in that time, not just for her, but for the school too. She didn't know the exact ins and outs, but she did know that the Head Teacher who had replaced her, Karen Fisher, had been replaced by another Head Teacher, Michael Byrne. Her former Deputy, Chris Mead had also left. The only people she knew that were still working at Waterloo Road were Tom and Grantly. Even Steph had left at the same time as her.

She was both nervous and excited to see everyone again. Hopefully it was going to be a good night, reconnecting with old colleagues and students. She was looking forward to finding out what her former students were up to and to hear the news of the former colleagues who had become her friends. She just wished Adam could be there beside her. She wanted to walk into that party tonight with his hand wrapped in hers. She wanted people to ask how they'd been and what they were up to. She wanted everyone to congratulate them on the pregnancy.

Instead, she would be walking in with Kim, her friend. Her ex-colleagues and students would be asking how she had been and what she was up to. They'd be congratulating her on the pregnancy. They would be wondering where Adam was. The thought of having to explain made her heart ache just that bit more. She hoped that if anyone asked she could just avoid the question and change the subject.

A small but firm kick to the ribs from her little one pulled Rachel out of her thoughts. She winced, shifting uncomfortably.

"You are getting too good at that, little lady!" she whispered, running a hand over her bump

The little girl kicked again, more softly this time, almost in apology. Rachel smiled.

"Are you ready to go to this party?"


"I guess I'll have to tell you all about Waterloo Road one day, when you're old enough"


The chime of the doorbell echoed through the house. Rachel stood up, brushing herself down before heading down the stairs. She grabbed her bag, keys and a jacket before stepping out onto the driveway where Kim was waiting for her.

"You look fabulous!" Kim complimented

Rachel smiled.

"So do you!" She replied, admiring the plain black dress and black slip on shoes her friend was wearing

The two of them chatted away mindlessly as they got into the car. Rachel found it odd not being able to say hello to little Dexter, who was normally babbling away in the back seat.

"Doesn't it feel odd not having Dexter with you?" she asked, nodding to the empty car seat

"A bit. It was hard leaving him at my Mum's, but he'll be fine" Kim shrugged

Kim's relaxed attitude toward the situation made Rachel feel uneasy. Her baby wasn't even here yet and she already knew that once she was in her arms, she'd have trouble letting her go. She had already decided that, apart from Nursery and School, there would be no childcare or babysitters around her little girl. Rachel was her Mum and she wanted to be as present and as hands on as she could. It was why she was grateful that she was just a teacher now, not a Head Teacher. She had a bit more spare time. Not much, but a bit.

"Are you ready?" Kim asked, pulling her from her thoughts

Rachel nodded nervously, slipping on her seatbelt as they pulled out of the drive.


"Well, it's nice to see the place hasn't changed much on the outside"

Rachel agreed with Kim. As her eyes scanned over the building of Waterloo Road, she realised it all looked the same as it had done the day she'd left two years ago. It was like stepping back in time. She hoped that the standards in regards to the running of the school and behaviour and safeguarding policies were still up to scratch. From what she had heard, there had been no complaints.

Together, the two women stepped into the building. Rachel smiled as a dozen memories hit her all at once. Her wedding reception, Adam proposing to her in the school canteen, the countless morning assemblies and staff briefings, the students coming in, in the morning and greeting her with bright smiles. Other than being with Adam, Waterloo Road had been her happy place. She'd loved this school with everything she had. Coming back for this reunion party had been a good decision.

As they stepped into the hall they were greeted by flashing lights which illuminated the hall. Music was blasting from the speakers on either side of the room. Even though the party had only started half an hour ago, the hall had filled up with former staff and students. Rachel smiled. It was going to be a good night.

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